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life – Page 2 – Luv Saving Money

Easy Tool For Life Insurance Quotes

A good friend of mine has been an insurance agent for a little while now. She shares so much information on insurance. Things I never knew before. I know we all “know” that we need life insurance but often it’s pushed aside as an expense we “don’t need right now” or “Or I have insurance through work so why do I need to pay for additional insurance?”

Well I’ll tell you my story. One from the working world and one from being on the other side of someone not having insurance.

I’ve been working with the same hospital for 15 years now. For many years I was able to get life insurance through work. When I was full-time I was able to get up to 4X my income for a very affordable rate. I opted to do 2X my yearly income and paid only a few dollars per month. Well after I had my 3rd son, and talking with my husband, I cut down to part-time. Cutting down to part-time I was able to keep all my benefits EXCEPT that the life-insurance was reduced to a maximum of $10,000 and I had to pay a little extra if I wanted that $10,000. I did that because I thought, well, at least it will bury me. Then a few years after our hospital was bought out and became for profit I lost every single benefit except my 401k. That included my life insurance. For the first time in 13 years, at that time, I found myself without any life insurance. The reality is, companies don’t have to offer life insurance to employees. It’s often one of the first things to go when cutting costs.

On the other side of the story. My father in law passed away in November. He was in his early 60s. He did have a chronic and progressive disease but he never set up a will, POA, Living Will, or had life insurance. When he passed away my husband had to figure out everything. We had to hire an attorney to help walk us through the process because he had a house, 2 vehicles, etc. Thankfully my husband is a good saver and we were able to pay some expenses out of pocket until we set up administrator accounts for his bank accounts. I didn’t realize how many expenses there were when someone passes away. It’s not just burial but paying utilities in his house until we were able to sell it, hiring an attorney, hiring an auctioneer to get rid of the tools, furniture, etc. There’s estate tax, there’s more I just can’t think of it all in this minute.

Had my husband not been able to prepare us financially it definitely would have been a hardship for a while. When you set up an administrator account for the estate every penny has to be accounted for and have to do with the estate. We have to provide every receipt to our attorney for utilities bills, property taxes, hiring a cleaning service, etc. This continues until the estate is dissolved which we are finally getting close to doing. Reminder my father in law passed in November. There was no life insurance. Had he had life insurance we could have received the payment from that within a month or two.

So please, do yourself a favor, do your family a favor and at least look into getting life insurance. There’s different kinds and amounts so you can find something to fit your budget or set your family up the way you want to.

It only take a few minutes to get an idea of what you want and can afford for the future .

I Bought it, I Tried it: Gelo Hand Soap

This year, I bought a few different products that I kept seeing ads for. I’ll be honest, most of them I was pleasantly surprised with. All of these products I bought with my own money (they are not comped products). I figured if I kept seeing the ad on Facebook and Instagram then maybe other people have been curious too.

The first product I wanted to feature, was one of the first products I bought this year via a facebook ad. I kept seeing the ad, I liked the idea, when I saw the price I thought, what the heck I’ll give it a try. It also came at a time where we had just gotten through having a hard time finding hand soap during the pandemic. Not knowing if it would happen again and always needing a supply of hand soap on hand, I thought this might be a good way to stock up.

Gelo is hand soap with a unique approach. Biodegradable pods you can use to refill your hand soap bottles (or one of theirs) using just water. The scent choices were choices I liked. I also released I was spending anywhere between $1-$3 on bottles of soap at the store and throwing them away when they were done. Yo! I keep hand soap in the kitchen, downstairs bathroom, upstairs bathroom, and the laundry room!

Gelo products reduce the amount of waste of regular disposable hand soaps. If you have a reusable soap pump at home, you can even use the one year already have.

I did an instagram reel so you can get an idea of how it works:

The Gelo refill pods are made with plant based materials: shea, oat, and essential oils. Their pods are completely made up of biodegradable materials including the pod film. There are no sulfates, parabens, or fillers. When you order the refill bag it has enough for 4 refills. So I can literally refill all the soap dispensers I used in my house with one bag. Instead of throwing out 4 soap dispensers I’m only throwing out one bag.

They offer foaming hand soap or gel hand soap options for your preference or for the type of soap dispenser you already have at home. So one of my fave parts? It’s super affordable. I ordered two starter kits for our bathrooms a couple months ago and I’m just now getting to where I needed to order refills. So I ordered a starter kit for our kitchen and 2 more refill bags. $21 shipped and I have enough to refill 12 times. Even with shipping that breaks down to only $1.75/bottle!

Now I’m not an affiliate, ambassador, or anything else with them but I do have a referral link (that anyone can get when you order). It will save you $2 off your first order and give me 10% off my next order. Just go through my Gelo referral link here.

If you like this post let me know if you’d like to see more of them in the comments.

What Invisawear is Doing During Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. The statistics can be scary. Nearly 1 in 5 women are attacked in their lifetime. That’s why I’m proud to be an affiliate with Invisawear.

Invisawear was created by a woman who had an encounter that scared her and really made her think. In that moment she didn’t have time to dig through her purse for her phone. From that encounter, the idea for Invisawear was created.

Shop invisaWear - Safety Devices Disguised as Everyday Accessories

Invisawear offers discreet jewelry that can get you help in an emergency. Call it connected jewelry, if you will. A simple press can alert designated friends or family that you need help and send out a text with your location. Invisawear is backed by ADT and can even alert trained ADT agents who can notify emergency services for you. Premium memberships can even get you access to activity tracking and virtual self defense classes. This would make an amazing and thoughtful gift for mother’s day or graduation gift for someone going off to college. Get free shipping on order of $100+

This security jewelry could quite literally save someone’s life.

Plus a percentage of the sales in April will be donated to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)

affiliate link: I will earn a small commission from sales made through my links.

Should We Add A Deck To Our “Door To Nowhere?”

When we toured our house, we were given the tour by the actual owners. They were selling their house themselves. We love 90% of the house. We went up to the FROG (family room over garage) and it was huge. There was also another bedroom attached to the family room. Then we noticed “the door”

adding a deck to our house

There’s an exterior door in the family room. We realized it doesn’t really go anyway. It faces a neighboring house that I like to call “the bad juju house” because the owners told us 3 people have died in that house next door. It’s been abandoned since the last owner’s, untimely death.

We can see straight to the bad juju house. There was absolutely nothing out there. Except an overgrown staghorn sumac tree grove. Which, by the way, if anyone has a good way to get rid of sumac trees, like a lot of them, please let me know. They keep sprouting up and spreading like weeds! But literally nothing else. No deck, no sidewalk, no garden, no play area. To be fair, it’s on a hill so it’s gonna take some serious leveling.

What I’m thinking is putting up some privacy hedges along the property line so we don’t have to stare at the bad juju house. We’re talking about putting in a deck. We want a fairly big deck that we can have cookouts or parties on. We also want to put a hot tub out there eventually. Oddly this entire side of the house, which is a pretty broad side, has no outdoor electric outlets or water outlets. We finally installed a water spout last summer because I put a vegetable garden out there. We were actually carrying buckets and watering cans of water up to the garden via either the front door and climbing the hill or carrying them through the house to the FROG and out the door to nowhere to water the garden. Severa trips! It was too much!

Here’s the things we’re not sure about.

  • Do you go regular deck lumber or do we use that fake lumber stuff? I don’t even know what it’s called.
  • The area get a lot of sun (hence the vegetable garden). Do we do an awning for a big deck, pergola, or build an actual porch-style roof? I kinda like the idea of the pergola for the look and to not block out the sun completely. I also think they’re versatile in that it’s easy to grow vines, string lights, or hand decorations on.
  • What would look nice for privacy to block out the bad juju house? Do we do shrubs or privacy fence? Other ideas?
  • Can we put the hot tub on the deck or is it smarter to do a step-down area onto a concrete patio to prevent water damage?

I’d love to hear your ideas. When we decide to pull the trigger on this project we want to do it right. I’m open for any other suggestions you have. And, again please, if you know how to get rid of spreading sumac trees I’d love to hear that too.

This post is sponsored by Diamond Bloggers. Any opinions expressed are my own.

Give Your Valentine The Gift Of Jewelry AND Safety In One With Invisawear

I work in a hospital in small city. It’s not a particularly dangerous city. But areas very near to wear employees have to park are known to have their share of problems. I was driving to work one day and saw a SWAT team outside of a run down apartment building. That was about half a mile from where I park.

The hospital provides shuttle service from the parking lots during the day because parking is anywhere from 1 -3 blocks away depending on which lot you park in. Obviously the closer ones fill up first. But shuttle service is not available after 6 pm. And let’s face it, hospitals don’t close at 6 pm and there’s staff coming in at all hours.

I often choose to walk up to work to help get my steps in. Plus I tend to walk faster than the shuttle can get me there because of the stops and route it has to take. One day though, I was walking under the railroad trestle and a man jumped down from the trestle right in front of me. I’m not even afraid to admit that he scared the daylights out of me. He started laughing and rather mockingly said “Did I scare you?” and walked away laughing. Not long after I found out that that railroad trestle is a popular place for the homeless population to travel and hang out.

I had my phone in my purse. I have a tendency to put my hand to my heart when startled. I realize had he not just walked away and would have tried to take my purse or worse that I would not have had access to my phone. That’s where Invisawear comes into play.

Shop invisaWear - Safety Devices Disguised as Everyday Accessories

Invisawear is a discreet safety device disguised as jewelry. With options that include: necklaces, bracelets, key chains, and scrunchies. I think the scrunchy idea is great for everyday wear, outdoor running, walking, biking, or going to the gym. I personally love the necklaces because I feel like my reflex reaction to cover my heart would be easy and unassuming access to my necklace if I was in trouble.

You device/jewelry is able to notify pre-selected people of your choice of your location even if you’re not sure where you are. It also has the optional feature to contact 911. You can also choose to have it share personal information for 911 dispatchers so they can better help you.

Right now Invisawear is having a Valentine Sale:

Get 20% off plus 2 Day Free Shipping I’m excited to have the chance to review a piece of Invisawear jewelry. I’m choosing the necklace. I’m planning on doing an unboxing and review post so watch for that on my social media channels. I can think of so many occasions it would be a blessing to have piece of mind like this. Girls nights, 2nd and 3rd shift workers, travel (especially alone), home health workers, subway travel, runners and joggers, any place you’re not familiar with or has a less-than-positive reputation, etc. This would make an amazing gift that definitely shows you care. This post does contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission from sales made through my links.