Let me first give a shout out to Tryazon and Silk’n for choosing me to try the Silk’n Infinity Hair Removal Device and allowing me to host a party. I’m so excited to get the device for free. I can’t wait to see my results.

So what made me apply to host a Silk’n Infinity party through Tryazon? Well, I’ve been thinking about doing laser hair removal for at least a year, maybe longer. I’m 41 years old. I’m just tired of shaving for temporary results, ending up with razor bumps and occasional nicks. Plus, the more I learned about it the more I realized that gray or light colored hair couldn’t be treated so I figured I was on a time table.
I actually took the step to email a local medical salon. I had multiple areas I wanted treated but I figured I’d start with a smaller area first and see how it goes. That was, until I heard the price and time requirements. $250 for the first session and consult. Then 4-6 more treatments after that with the possibility of more depending on how my body was responding. Initial consult session being about an hour to an hour and a half. With each session being an additional $200. In other words, I was easily looking at a minimum of $1000 just for one small area. Larger areas cost more. Well I just couldn’t afford that. I also didn’t want to have to worry about what to do with my youngest kids if they’d be virtual learning. So I temporarily gave up the idea.
Then I learned that there are at home pulsed light devices. There are many brands and types out there but the Silk’n Infinity hair removal device really stood out. The device cost less than just two treatment session at a professional salon but has enough pulses to remove hair everywhere I wanted to. It is one of the few devices that are FDA certified. It has a lot of safety features in place.
I did an unboxing video on facebook live if you’d like to check it out:
The Silk’n Infinity is approved for hair removal from the cheekbones down so you can remove hair from:
- upper lip
- jaw/face
- underarms
- chest
- stomach
- bikini line
- arms
- legs
- feet
- anywhere else you might want to remove hair below the cheekbones
On exception would be no Brazilian style hair removal. They do not recommend using it on sensitive areas like genitals and nipples.

There are a list of “do not use” reasons for the device and what types of hair it will work for. I strongly suggest you check out the website for who can use the device and safety precautions. Check out the Q&A and FAQs section to help answer your questions before buying.
I will also be hosting a zoom party in March around March 13. So if you’d like an invite to the zoom party to ask questions and learn about the device just leave a comment and let me know. OR direct message me on one of my social media channels if you want to be be more discreet about it.
I’ve already done two treatment sessions. It’s super easy to use, it does not hurt at all. The safety features in place really make it easy to ensure you’re doing things right. I plan on doing an update post around the time of my zoom party. I also want to do another post in about 12 weeks as that is the average range for noticable permanent hair removal when sticking with the regimen. My first session took a little longer than the 2nd as I was just learning the device. All in all it only took me about 40 minutes to do ALL the areas I wanted treated.
That being said, I’ll give even more info on my next update and at my zoom party. If you have any questions now, just leave them in the comments and I’ll answer the ones I can.