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Free Subscription to LEGO Life Magazine – Luv Saving Money

Free Subscription to LEGO Life Magazine

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Are you a LEGO fan? Do you know someone who is? LEGO life magazine is the subscription to have for the LEGO fanatic. It’s even better when it’s free!

This free subscription is for children ages 5 – 9 yrs of age. LEGO Life Magazine is delivered 4X per year and shipping is free too.

Get your FREE subscription to LEGO Life magazine here

If you kids love to create their own LEGO masterpieces they can even be featured in the magazine (with parent consent). There are LEGO activity pages, posters, comics, and more in the magazine to keep the kids entertained and away from electronics.

This post does contain an affiliate link. I will earn a few cents when you check out LEGO Magazines page through my link.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker