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TrustBrothers CBD Review + FREE Product Offer – Luv Saving Money

TrustBrothers CBD Review + FREE Product Offer

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This post is not intended to give medical advice. What I have written about is my own personal experience. As with any supplement it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor if you have concerns.

I’ve written about CBD products a couple times on my blog and social media. I’ve also mentioned in a few posts that I deal with IBS and Ulcerative Colitis. I am on prescription medication for my moderate ulcerative colitis. I also deal with anxiety and depression which tends to be a vicious cycle with the IBS and UC as my anxiety can kick my symptoms up or if I’m having a UC flare up it can kick my anxiety up.

I see my GI doctor regularly. Worried about the side effects and long term effects of some of my medications I started searching for more natural options to supplement my current medications.

In my research, CBD oil kept coming up again and again. There are several research studies and articles about the effect of CBD as an anti-inflammatory. There is also some research out there about a number of other benefits. I’m not a doctor or a pharmacist and I encourage you to do your own research and talk to your doctor before starting any supplement.

With that being said, I turned to CBD supplements when my anxiety meds were starting to make my blood pressure drop and my GI doctor wanted me to go on an even stronger med for my UC. The current medication I’m on for my UC was still allowing me to have periodic flare ups, several a year. I would also have horrible burning pain in my colon and my anxiety was getting difficult to manage at times. Since I’ve started using CBD oil in addition to my UC medication I’ve not had any flare ups. I’ve been using CBD products for a little over a year. I’ve also not had to take the anxiety medication that was causing my blood pressure to drop.

Not all CBD product are created equal though. I’ve tried a few brands. There was one direct sales CBD product that was super expensive and wasn’t worth the bottle in was in. There are also different mg dosages so keep that in mind.

See offer before for FREE CBD oil just pay shipping deal

I tried the Hello Happiness CBD Oil 750 mg from Trust Brothers. The oil has absolutely no taste so it’s not unpleasant to put a few drops under the tongue or mix into your drink. One serving size is considered 15 drops and there are about 60 servings in a 30 ml bottle.

I usually take it in the morning before I go to work.

Because of my anxiety I sometimes difficulty sleeping which is why I also requested to try the Trust Brother CBD Sleep Spray. One or two spritzes under the tongue before bed. Again there’s no flavor to it so you don’t have to worry about going to sleep with a bad taste in your mouth. My only complaint with this is that it tells you to spray under the tongue but the type of sprayer on it kind of makes it go everywhere in your mouth.

It typically takes me about 2 hours of laying in bed before I can actually fall asleep. I noticed after only about a half hour or so after the spray that my eye lids became heavy and I was able to fall asleep more easily.

In comparing it to other CBD oil brands I’ve tried this is higher up on the list of quality for me.

FREE Just Pay Shipping Offer:

If you’ve been interested in trying CBD products or already use CBD products and want to try Trust Brothers brand I have a special code for you to get a free just pay shipping offer. 1 Offer per household.

Visit and use code: LuvSavingMoney to get your free 250 ml bottle (value at $25.99) and pay just $4.99 shipping. That’s $4.99 for a 250 mg bottle of CBD oil shipped to your house!

About TrustBrothers

TrustBrothers is the “Land of the FREE CBD” 0% THC “Not High, Just Healthy” They are proud to offer America’s Most Trusted, Lowest-Cost, Ultra Premium CBD products.

You can learn more about CBD itself from this YouTube video:

Will I Feel The Effects Right Away?

According to Trust Brothers: Every person (and pet) is different and will experience the effects of CBD in different ways. Most will experience the effects right away when taking the proper dose, but the greatest benefit of CBD will be experienced over time when using the product consistently .

I received the above mentioned products at no cost in order to complete this post. Any opinions expressed are my own.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker