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Ritter Sport Chocolate Tasting Party #Tryazon – Luv Saving Money

Ritter Sport Chocolate Tasting Party #Tryazon

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I’ve been a fan of Ritter Sport Chocolate for several years now. The creaminess of the milk chocolate, the unique flavors like marzipan, cornflake, and honey sea salt for example. The quality of the dark chocolate. Man it makes me crave it just typing this out. If you’re not familiar with Ritter Sport chocolates you’re missing out. You can check out all their products on the Ritter Sport website

I had the opportunity to host a Ritter Sport chocolate party thanks to Tryazon. We decided to do it as a laid back chocolate tasting party. We told everyone that could make it just to show up in comfy clothes. We offered coffee, milk, and water to have with the chocolate tastings.

If you’re not familiar with Tryazon you can check out this video here:

Tough I’ve personally had Ritter Sport chocolate a number of times, some of my guests were tasting for the first time. I had never tried the honey sea salt flavor so I was excited about that one.

All in all the party was a success. Most guests had picked a favorite by the end of the tasting. There were comments about the uniqueness of the Marzipan flavor. We talked about how these would be great to stuff in a stocking for the holidays too.

Another thing we liked about Ritter Sport chocolate is their effort to create their chocolate sustainably. You can read more about Ritter Sport sustainability efforts here.

**We received the party pack at no cost from Tryazon to help spread the word about Ritter Sport Chocolate**

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker