Club Eimmie is offering a free summer reading program for kids called Club Eimmie’s Imagination Vacation. They can win some amazing prizes if they do! Some of the prizes include a water slide, 1 year club Eimmie subscription, doll accessories, and more. Just log your child’s reading time each day that they read, like Club Eimmie on facebook, and watch for the live drawings on facebook each Wednesday at 12 pm EST to see that weeks winners!
My kids love to read and rewarding them for reading is ok in my book.

Club Eimmie is an affordable way to get clothes and other accessories or your child’s or grandchild’s 18 inch dolls. I discovered it after buying an 18 inch doll for my daughter and realizing just how expensive the clothes and accessories were for the dolls. Club Eimmie let’s your child get new clothes and accessories for their doll each month for only $20 and you can cancel any time.
They still have the deal going that I took advantage of. Get your first month of Club Eimmie for FREE just pay $5. That’s $5 for 2 doll outfits and accessories. This is what we got! You just can’t beat that price on new 18 inch doll clothes!

Club Eimmie is still an awesome deal even after your free month. For just $20 a month you’ll get packages like this for your child’s 18 inch doll. If you want to know the truth I got the 18 inch doll to put away for my daughter for Christmas. I plan on giving her all the outfits we get the club for Christmas too.

Plus Club Eimmie members have access to the Club Members only section with activity sheets, coloring pages and other activities.
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