For the 2nd year in a row my kids participated in the Challenger International Soccer Camp. My son is 10 and my daughter is 6. They both ended up being in the same 1/2 day camp.

Our group was very small. Only about 5 kids. I thought this was amazing though because the kids got so much attention. I was a little worried about my daughter only being 6 in with kids several years older than her and being the only girl. The other boys were very kind to her and the coach was very encouraging.
We had a couple days of rain so the camp was done in the school’s gym.

My kids really enjoy the Challenger International Soccer Camps. They learn new skills, they make it fun, and they get to meet other kids from around the area. They are sincerely interested in learning. As a mother it’s great to see how well the coach worked with the kids. I liked that they were given homework each night of camp to learn more about international soccer and other counties.

At the end of camp the coach hand wrote feed back for each kid both positive and brought each kids up to talk about their critique. I really feel like the kids get a lot out of the camp.

If you register for a camp at least 30 days in advance you get more for you money by getting a soccer ball, camp T-shirt, 2 jerseys, and access to the app that allows you to practice skills.
Register now for Challenger’s International Soccer camp and get a free international ball, t-shirt, poster, skills evaluation and new downloadable coaching app & 20 skills videos! Register 30 days before camp and qualify for a free International Game Jersey! https://www.challengersports.com/international_soccer
We received 1 tuition free in order to complete this post. Any opinions expressed are my own.