Even prior to all this pandemic/isolation stuff I was trying to lose weight. I had started in a gym around September, not sure if I should have spent the money on a gym membership. I ended up loving it. The main reason was to lose weight but that goal became secondary and eventually pushed further down the list because the gym was helping with my depression and anxiety. It was helping me with my confidence. It was helping me to socialize a little more. Of course I was happy when the scale would move, even just a pound, but it became more about my mental health. I had more energy, I smiled more, the negative thoughts were becoming fewer. It was my me time.
I then got the confidence to sign up for a POUND fitness class at my local community building once a week. It was so much fun. Again, socializing more and kicking up my cardio a little. Sometimes I had to miss a class or two just because I didn’t have anyone to watch the kids or I didn’t want to ask anyone to so I just would not go. Then all this coronavirus stuff happened.
I struggled trying to find a routine for fitness at home. I still had to work but now I also needed to guide my kids through e-learning. I didn’t want to lose the progress I had made through the gym and fitness classes though. My husband got us a new treadmill with one of those e-training apps which helped BUT ultimately you’re either walking or running. I missed the classes and didn’t think I could strength train without my gym equipment.
Then Habitlyfit.com came into my feed the one day. I decided to give it a try.

I was impressed by the amount and variety of classes offered on their site. The ease of registering for a class. The ability to cancel if life got in the way. Specifically I had wanted to get back into yoga. They have a variety of yoga classes so there is something for all levels. But they also have Zumba, Pilates, Barre, Cardio HIIT, strength training, meditation, and so much more. I just found out they added BollyX classes which I can’t wait to try!
Habitly classes are affordable, (It’s in Canadian dollars but no worries, US residents are encouraged to take the classes, in fact they’d love it) . You can pay per class or get a class package when you realize how much you love the it! Classes run throughout the day. Just pick the class you want that’s available at the time you want and get ready to work. They send you reminder emails so you don’t forget about your class. You can even get packages to save even more with 10 class packages for only $35 or monthly unlimited packages for $80. That’s huge savings! But I can do even better for you.
Habitly is offering LuvSavingMoney readers 20% off 10 class packages or unlimited packages with code: 20ANG4
Plus Habitly is now offering a 7 day free trial so you get to try out the classes before you buy if you’d like.

Not sure what classes to take? They have class descriptions on the site so it’s easy to figure out what interests you. And with the 7 day free trial you’ll have opportunities to try a lot of classes.
Since I’ve been doing the classes at home, even my kids have take an interest in trying to move along with it.

I never thought I’d like online classes as much as I do. If anythings it’s more convenient. With lots of classes and times/days to select, no worrying about finding a sitter, no leaving the house, It’s awesome!
Give Habityfit.com a try. With the 7 day free trial you have nothing to lose. And when you love it (and I know you will) don’t forget to use code: 20Ang4 to save 20% off a 10 class package or unlimited monthly package!