I have been using waterproof, washable labels for years. I discovered them back when my oldest boys were starting school. It was so easy to label all their stuff. The stickers stayed on all year, the labels were easy to see, and if something needed cleaned up, I could do it and not have to worry about re-labeling.
Now that my kids are older I still find myself using label stickers. Inside backpacks, on gloves and hats, labeling electronics, I even use them when taking in a cover dish for work.
Name Bubbles has so many options and sizes. They have so many options for designs, adding characters, fonts, and more. When my kids were little they loved the novelty shapes or little icons. Now that they’re older they’d rather it just be plain and to the point. Name Bubbles has options for all that. And it’s so easy to create your custom label stickers.

If you have kids in daycare, I highly recommend getting the Name Bubbles daycare packs. I would get one pack for each kid. It comes with all kinds of different size and types of labels. 96 total labels to be exact. All the daycare pack labels are microwaves safe, waterproof, freezer safe, and laundry safe. So label bottles, sippy cups, shoes, clothing, toys, baby food, etc.
Custom Daycare LabelsName Bubbles also has camp packs. I’ve already seen quite a few sign ups for summer camps, day camps, and educational camps coming up. Get ahead of the game and have a better chance of your kids’ stuff coming back home with them.
I created some name labels for my youngest son because we were getting low. What do you use name label son for a 13 year old?
- backpacks
- bluetooth speaker
- chargers
- laptop
- jackets
- handheld gaming systems
- sports equipment (especially with football or hockey)
- and more
The Name Bubbles name labels have saved us more than once. The school issues a laptop and charger to all the kids for virtual days. My daughter has lost track of her charger a couple times. Thankfully it was found in one of her classrooms. You know how they knew it was hers? Yeps, Name Bubbles labels.
So I made sure I stuck one of those handy dandy labels on my son’s charger too.

If my younger child is having a show-and-tell type day I label whatever she’s taking in. If they want to take stuff on vacation with us, I label stuff. Kids are fighting over whose charger is whose? label it.

I keep talking about kids but as a healthcare worker, I recommend people label their loved ones items if taking something to the hospital for them or short rehab stays, or for those living in a nursing facility. Books, ereaders, headphones, glasses, clothing, walkers, wheelchair, please label it!
Name Bubbles labels are so durable. And they really last a long time.
If you’re ready to grab some Name Bubble labels for yourself, your kids, or your loved one. You can save 20% off with code: BUBBLE20 code exp 12/31/23
I received a sample of Name Bubbles labels in order to complete this post. Any opinions expressed are my own.