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The Sins of Rory Macleod Book Tour & Giveaway – Luv Saving Money

The Sins of Rory Macleod Book Tour & Giveaway

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Sins of Rory MacLeod
of Skye Book 2
J R Salisbury
Historical Romance
riveting tale of family, love, and betrayal.
jilted at the altar by his bride, Rory MacLeod, the Duke of Skye and
chief of the MacLeod clan finds himself becoming the subject of
unsavory gossip.
to a respectable young lady of impeccable breeding is the only way
Rory can hope to silence the gossips.
his wounds, he returns to London for the upcoming session of
Parliament and Season. He brings with him his sister Lily. It will be
her first season and one which Rory intends to find a bride of his
own. He doesn’t have to look far.
the Duke of Hargrove’s daughter, catches more than his eye the
moment he meets her. She is everything his duchess needs to be. She
is smart, beautiful and devoted to Rory. Not even his darkest secret
can sway her.
bliss of married life is ripped apart by betrayal of the worst kind.
His sister is kidnapped and forced into a marriage with only one
purpose. Money. Even worse is who is behind it all.
his own reputation and that of his family and clan at stake, Rory
must carefully negotiate his sister’s return without the world
finding out about his secret. Not only could it bring shame to
everyone he holds dear, it would mean his ruination and worse.
Sale for .99 cents!!**

of Skye Book 1
the fourth MacLeod son, Donnan MacLeod does not have to take on the
responsibilities his older siblings do. He is free to keep his
business private. As a privateer he sails the channel looking for
smugglers. Very elite smugglers.


not until he returns to Skye for his mother’s birthday when Donnan
begins to lose control of his life. And it’s all because of a woman,
the one woman he’s loved since childhood. The woman he desires above
all others – that is should he ever think of taking a wife.


strong willed and opinionated far more than most, she is determined
to find out what it is Donnan is hiding. Never before had they kept
things from each other, but Rosalind is convinced he’s keeping
something huge from her.


changes in the blink of an eye.


away in the back of Donnan’s coach, Rosalind changes their lives
forever. The adventure begins…


Sale for .99 cents!!**


to Goodreads

always been a creative individual. Writing is just a facet of that


My careers in public relations in and around the
entertainment industry, photography, editing,  artist
management, modeling and special event planning all elevated my
passion for writing, not to mention gave me a treasure trove for
story lines.
I write women’s fiction; contemporary
romance (as Jamie Salisbury) and historical romance (as JR Salisbury)
which is ever evolving. I am fortunate enough that writing (and
marketing of said product(s)) is my full-time job, although I always
have one or two other projects going at the same time.
I now
live in a suburb of Atlanta. Some of my other interests include
photography, equestrianism, reading, and of course, travel.
sincerely hope my writing will entertain, enlighten, and inspire
others to pick up the pen and pursue their own dreams. I love to be
contacted by readers, writers, and history buffs.


“Good morning, aunt. I trust you slept well last night?”
“Yes, thank you.”
She sat across from Rory and waited as a footman brought her a plate of toast and
a cup of tea.
“What do you and Lily have planned for today?”
She smiled. “I think you mean what does Lily have planned for today, don’t you?”
He wasn’t sure. Women were so complicated at times. They could twist the simplest
of conversation around where one didn’t know what it was about.
“My sister is excited?”
“Yes. She can’t wait for the Abbott ball.”
“Isn’t she excited to be presented to the Queen tomorrow?”
“But of course. It’s just that the Abbott ball will be her first official function.”
“I understand.”
Actually he didn’t. The female mind was something that always confused him. He
took Mac’s lead and simply let them have their way.
He slid the newspaper across the table to his aunt. Fiona was his father’s younger
sister. She had endured tragedy when her husband had been killed in a huntingaccident two weeks after they’d married. He often wondered why she’d never remarried.
She was still a beautiful woman.
“It seems we’ve made the gossip columns already.”
She smiled at Rory. “Oh, my. I hope it’s all good.”
He nodded. “It is. More of a curiosity about me.”
“Ah, yes, the jilted bridegroom. Of course.”
“Which I don’t intend to get in my way.”
Fiona tilted her head. “You’re serious about finding a bride. Even if she’s English.”
“Aye. It matters not if she’s English or Scot. I need a wife. It’s time.”
“You are a continuous surprise to me, Rory.”
“How’s that?”
“Just when I think I know what you’re going to do, you do something I don’t see
He laughed. “That’s the way I prefer to keep things. Mysterious.”
“And that you do.”
Rory stood and walked around the table to his aunt. He kissed her on the cheek. “I
need to see to some things in my study. If you have time to help me go through the
stack of invitations, I’d appreciate it. Tyler says there are quite a few.”
“This should prove to be interesting. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making this trip and seeing to Lily’s needs. I know Mother didn’t want to be far
when Rose gives birth, so I’m glad you stepped in.”
“Say no more. I’m more than happy to ensure Lily’s first season is a success. Edana
has been on Skye for far too long. London society makes her nervous.”
“I know. We all do. That’s why Lily didn’t raise a fuss about her not attending.”
“We all have our reasons and our secrets. Remember that, Rory, and don’t judge
people by who they are.”
He nodded and left the room. He knew better than to get into a discussion of that
sort with his aunt. She was too wise. Sometimes more than a woman should be.

the tour HEREfor exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!



Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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