If you follow my instagram page, you’ll see that I’ve been trying to change to a healthier lifestyle. I made a decision last September that I was tired of starting to put on weight every year and buying bigger clothes. I was tired of feeling tired all the time. My confidence was low and I had some self loathing. When I started working out my main goal was to lose weight. I joined a gym started finding sources that worked for me to help educate myself about nutrition. I’m still learning and still trying. What I found though was my purpose is no longer just about losing weight. In fact, that purpose has become secondary. It’s helped me so much with my energy levels, my anxiety and depression, and my confidence.

What I noticed is when I started posting about my fitness and health and wellness journey I start getting pitches from activewear brands I never heard of to be an affiliate with them. I check them out but everyone of them were the same. In fact, I’m pretty sure I saw the same pieces and designs on about 6 different websites. And when you’re looking at these site and following fitness influencers it seems almost every one is lean and muscular, C cups or bigger, wearing skimpy clothing, and well..that’s just not me and every model in the ads looks the same.
Then I was pitched Girlfriend Collective. Honestly I wasn’t going to check it out. I was so tired of affiliate pitches for “ambassadors” that were really affiliate programs. But as soon as I hit the Girlfriend Collectives page I knew it was different.
First of all when you hit the page you find out that they are a sustainable and ethically made activewear company. If you check out the Girlfriend Collective about page they break it down what each piece and line of clothing is made from. Everything from recycled fishnets, to plastic bottles, cotton industry waste, and more.
To take it a step further, Girlfriend Collective’s packing is also 100% recycled and recyclable. They are made in a facility that is SA8000 certified, guarantees fair wages, safe and healthy conditions, and no forced or child labor.
Ok now let’s talk about when you actually start browsing the site. You see REAL women. Women of different size, different body types, different colors, with birthmarks, stretch marks, not air-brushed, not photoshopped. They have activewear from sizes XXS to 6XL which you just don’t see in the activewear industry very often. They even have a maternity line! It’s beautiful, it’s real, and it’s what we need to see more of in the women’s clothing industry.

I could go on and on about this company but the about page on their site has a wealth of information. All about their practices, their facilities, why they use the methods they use, etc. It’s refreshing, it’s transparent, and it’s responsible.
Girlfriend Collective prices fall right in line with other popular companies but still less than some of the more luxe brands out there. When you think about the effort and benefits overall of this company it’s an easy choice. You can feel good knowing that you’re supporting a company that is trying to do better for customers and for the environment.

Shop Girlfriend Collective HERE
They also have a rewards program to help you save more. Sign up for their emails for a $10 off $95 purchase coupon for your first purchase. Sign up for the Girlfriend Collective rewards to start saving on future purchases and even earn free leggings!
This post does contain affiliate links. I will get a commission from sales made through my links.