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Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway 2022 – Luv Saving Money

Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway 2022

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I can’t believe it’s that time of year again can you?

I’ve tried so many things this year and still have a few things planned. I’ve taken up a new hobby, took some chances on a few things this year, got COVID (yuck), oh and just tonight we found a little kitten in our yard. Of course it was at like 11 pm at night and my husband was at work and the kids were asleep. The kitten is safe for now and visually seems ok but I’ll be calling our vet tomorrow.

We took our first family vacation that included extended family. I started trying to learn a little bit about herbs. I’m planning to start an herb garden next year.

With everything happening this year I’ve focused more on my social media channels than the blog. I almost missed this hop and I’ve done this one every years for…I think…at least the last 5 years.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been busy or had a crazy year. So I thought why not keep this giveaway simple and something that can be used for whatever the winner needs it for.


1 US winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card

Super Stocking Stuffer Hop 2022

Now check out these other blogs for a chance to win more prizes!

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

83 thoughts on “Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway 2022”

  1. My daughter got married in September and my other daughter is expexting in 3 weeks.

  2. We took a trip to Denver earlier this year to attend a wedding. We had never been there, so we took a few extra days and did all the touristy-stuff, including taking in a concert at Red Rocks. We had a blast!

  3. My 11 year old niece came to live with my husband and I and we’ve had a great time making memories with her. We were unable to have kids and having her here is wonderful <3

  4. I think my favorite part of 2022 was finding my dads birth family we have been hunting for years!

  5. My daughter and I took a trip to Charleston, SC. It was beautiful and we had a wonderful time!

  6. my son is making so many gains in school which is so nice after the crazy couple of years with the covid.

  7. As of 10 months ago, I am no longer homeless. That’s quite a relief, since I have two cats that I care for.

  8. We vacationed in Florida and spent 2 weeks with my father in law who we haven’t seen in a long time.

  9. One positive thing in 2022 is that I have stayed healthy so far. I’m working hard to get in better shape and lose weight. Also, got some work around the house completed.

  10. Everyone in the house got covid but none of us were too sick and I see that as a huge positive because we were all nervous. I had zero symptoms the whole time. We feel so fortunate especially since we have pre-existing conditions.

  11. The most positive thing I did for myself in 2022 was to go back to work. It was really hard to put myself out there after staying for over 12 years. I have never been so happy to go to work!

  12. My eldest granddaughter started college this year and out of all the options she had to choose from, she chose my Alma mater, SUNY Oswego!

  13. Most positive thing I have done this year was move into management and it was a great move.

  14. I had to go to the ER late at night and my husband had to stay home with our kids, but I didn’t want to go alone. I sent a quick message to a few people to see if someone would be willing to go with me and then burst into tears because I realized that for the first time since moving away from family, I actually HAD people that I felt comfortable writing at 11pm to ask a favor like that!

  15. The most positive thing for me started as a negative. Our landlord decided he wants to remodel our apt and we would have to move. If we decided to move back in the rent would double! Enter my mother in law with her helping hand and after the first of the year we move into our new home ! Which will still be cheaper than rent,etc!

  16. Well no new hobby. Just work and work and more work haha, but I will be going on a cruise for my birthday this year Jan 8th it’s a 12 day cruise. That is the longest cruise I have ever been on and i am going with my mom and 2 sisters.

  17. My niece and her husband delivered a new family member – a sweet baby boy. He was a preemie/NICU baby and we’re all happy he is healthy now and just the happiest, most darling baby in the world!

  18. I always cherish my precious moments with my children. I also love my new job I got this year. Thanks for the opportunity and good luck everyone!

  19. The most positive thing in 2022 is that my daughter has been accepted to 11 colleges for next year after she graduates.

  20. My oldest son graduated from college. Then as a family we went to the Dominican Republic. Thank you

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