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St. Eve Kids’ Cozy giveaway – Luv Saving Money

St. Eve Kids’ Cozy giveaway

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I’m so excited to be able to do another giveaway. I had received a free St. Eve’s Kids Cozy through a blogging promotion on

The St. Eve’s cozies are a long cuddly blanket with sleeves. 100% polyester. So warm. I received to hot pink ones. I have 3 boys so that just wasn’t going to work for them but I decided to try it myself. It was so soft and warm. What am I doing with the other one I received. Well giving it away on my blog of course. You will receive (1) St. Eve’s kid cozy described as “one size fits all”. The Cozy from St. Eve kids is available at and retails at $20.00.

To win you must be a follower of my blog, you must leave a comment on this blog post, and you must retweet my St. Eve kids cozy giveaway tweet. A winner will be selected Friday, Jan 29.


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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

6 thoughts on “St. Eve Kids’ Cozy giveaway”

  1. i LOVE THESE BLANKETS – THEY’RE SO COMFORTABLE I’m following as @mandablogsabout and I retweeted your post

  2. Please enter me into the drawing:-) I just became a follower of your blog:-) I also tweeted @womanandmom:-) And thank you for joining my group “The Blog Following Network” on “Twitter Moms”:-)

    Have a great rest of your week:-)

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