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Reece’s Rainbow – Luv Saving Money

Reece’s Rainbow

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I only learned about this Reece’s Rainbow recently from a fellow blogger, Grissell. I took a look at the website and gladly posted the button on my blog. I found myself drawn to go back to the site. I felt as though I wanted to do more. I looked at the website and found myself in tears. All these poor children who need loving families and medical care.

Where I’m not in a position to be able to adopt, I wanted to be able to help someone who is in a position to do so. Reece’s rainbow website takes donations that are used to help adoptive families with the cost of international adoption. All of the children are special needs.

I made a small donation myself. Reading through the information the website is saying it can cost $25,000 for a family to adopt a special needs child internationally. If these children are not adopted at an early age they are sent away to institutions for the rest of their lives.

It breaks my heart to see the pictures of their sweet smiling faces. As a healthcare worker, I think, “this child could be helped with a few surgeries, or “in the right environment this child could do fairly well.”

Please consider making a donation to this wonderful organization. You’re donation could extend the life, quality and happiness of a child’s future and help place them in a loving home.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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