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Sam Adams Will “Buy You A Beer” If you’re vaccinated and I’ll give you $5 if you’re new to Cashapp. Here’s how – Luv Saving Money

Sam Adams Will “Buy You A Beer” If you’re vaccinated and I’ll give you $5 if you’re new to Cashapp. Here’s how

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Starting April 12, Samuel Adams will “Buy You A Beer” if you’ve received the COVID vaccine. They’ll do it in the form of $7 Cashapp. You can find more details on the post from This will only be for a total of 10,000 people

I was slow to get on the Cashapp bandwagon. I had always used paypal and more recently Venmo. But I had to jump on with this offer. Wish I would have realized though that people got referral incentives for sigining up. I would have definitely signed up under someone.

I you want to take advantage of this Samuel Adams offer and don’t have a Cashapp yet, you can sign up using my referral link. New sign ups through my referral link will get a $5 referral bonus. So If you you sign up through my referral and get in on the Sam Adams offer you’ll get $12 free dollars in your Cashapp account!

Hey! I’ve been using Cash App to send money and spend using the Cash Card. Try it using my code and you’ll get $5. TCHNLNC

This post does contain affiliate links and referral links.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker