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Purex Crystals New Fresh Mountain Breeze Scent – Luv Saving Money

Purex Crystals New Fresh Mountain Breeze Scent

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**I received a sample of Purex Crystals New Mountain Fresh scent as part of the Purex Insiders.  Giveaway coupons are provided by Purex.  Any opinions expressed are my own**

I LOVE Purex Crystals. I mean seriously love them. It’s not something I’d say you NEED for your laundry but I think of it like fragrance for your laundry that also happens to soften them without ruining your laundry.  One of my favorite things to use Purex Crystals with is the bedding.  There is nothing like washing my bed sheets, comforter, and pillows with Purex Crystals and getting the lovely sent and softness to help you nod off to dreamland.  Now they’ve introduced a new scent, Purex Crystals New Fresh Mountain Breeze Scent.

Purex Crystals Mountain Breeze


I love this because if you didn’t already know, Purex also makes a Fresh Mountain Breeze laundry detergent.  Coupled together this is a really great pair.  Even if you don’t user the Mountain Breeze detergent though, you’re still getting a wonderful scent.

Purex Crystals are easy to use.  Just use the handy cap to measure the amount of fragrance you want, toss them in the wash with your laundry and that’s it.

Purex Crystals mountain breeze close up


Purex Crystals are a 90% natural softener.  They do not reduce the absorbency of towels like some fabric softeners do.  They also do not reduce the effectiveness of moisture wicking materials.

I washed my comforter for my bed and all of my youngest son’s bed clothes with the crystals.  The scent was lovely.  I like to use a smaller amount just because I like a subtle scent when it comes to fabrics.  If you like a bolder scent go ahead and add a little more than I do.  I do like the Mountain Breeze Scent.  It is very similar to their laundry detergent of the same scent.  It’s not what I expected but it’s still really nice.

In true Purex fashion, they’re celebrating their new crystals scent with a sweepstakes.  You can enter their “Over the Mountain and Through the Woods Sweepstakes” where you can  win the grand prize of $500 or one of a hundred 2nd place prizes for a coupon for FREE Purex Crystals Fresh Mountain Breeze!   ENTER HERE!


3 US Luv Saving Money readers will win 

a coupon for a FREE bottle of Purex Crystals Fresh Mountain Breeze




**review item received.  Regardless I only do honest reviews**

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.