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Luv Saving Money – Page 1000 – Life on a Budget

NFL logo bandz giveaway!–CLOSED

I don’t know if your kids are into the “shaped bands” collecting like mine are.  The last couple weeks of school my two older boys came home talking about so and so had these bands and “look at the band so and so gave me” They look at them every time we go to the store.  There have also been recent news articles about them possibly being banned in some schools because they were so distracting.  One article about shaped band bans

Personally I don’t understand the big craze but, kids are still collecting these bands. Whether your’re a collector of these bands, your kids are collectors, or your a Steeler fan, this giveaway is for you.  Today I happened into a local shop. I found “NFL Logo Bandz 20-packs”  They had 3 Steelers packs left.  I bought all three.  I gave one to my 8 year old and 1 to my 6 years old. The baby is only a year old so too little for NFL Steeler Logo Bandz. So what should I do with the other pack?  Oh I know…give my readers a chance to win it!  You can buy them at but they are $9.99/pk plus shipping and Pittsburgh Steelers bandz are not available in the NFLshop online at this time.

The pack includes 20 bandz.  4 team logos, 4 wordmarks (it spells Steelers), 4 footballs, 4 helmets, and 4-6x (for the 6 super bowl wins)

I took some out of one of the boys packs to show you what they look like:

To enter to win

Mandatory entry: Follow my blog publicly and post a comment about who your favorite NFL team is. This must be completed before bonus entries are considered.

Bonus entries: 

1. “Like” Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests and More on facebook using my facebook gadget in the right hand column. (+1)

2.  Follow me on twitter (+1) :  @LuvSavingMoney 

3.  Tweet this giveaway and leave a direct link to your tweet: ” I’m entering to win Steelers NFL Logo Bandz @LuvSavingMoney Please RT”      (+1)  Can tweet twice a day.

4.  Subscribe to my blog via RSS feed using Gadget in the right column. (+2)

5.  Subscribe to Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More via email in right hand column (+2)

This is not one of the upcoming giveaways I was talking about in a previous post.  This is one I decided to do to thank my loyal readers.  This giveaway was paid for by me.  I was not contacted by this company, I was not given this product for free and I was not paid to do this post.

***Winner will be chosen from qualified entries using on June 30 at 10pm EST ***

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Review of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil Gold Label

I received a generous sample of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.  I had heard of it and wondered what it was really like to cook with.  I wanted to try it because it was organic (according to the jar all aspects of the production of Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil is certified organic including the packaging), I wondered if it left a little coconut flavor in your food, and small family businesses produce the coconut oil.

Tropical Traditions is full of interesting and informative information on benefits and processes of their company.   For instance, here is a quote from the website: ” Laboratory tests show that this Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is a very high quality coconut oil, with very high antioxidant levels.”

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil is FREE OF trans fats. Trans fats also called unsaturated fats pose health risks such as coronary artery disease (CAD) and raise “bad” cholesterol levels (LDL’s)
The fact that Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil is Free of trans fats makes it a healthier cooking oil choice.

When I got my jar of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil I couldn’t wait to open it.  I was interested to see a solidified oil with a some what pulpy looking texture.

My concern, and this is me, I love the flavor of coconut but not the texture.  I was a little concerned at first but my concern quickly went away as I saw the coconut oil melt like butter in the frying pan.

So excited to try the oil.  My initial trial was simply, scrambled eggs for the kids.  The oil worked just as well as any oil I’ve used.  One note however was the pleasant, faint coconut aroma as the oil heated. The scrambled eggs had only a kiss of coconut flavor.  My kids didn’t seem to notice but I did.  I asked my husband if he tasted anything different.  He said “there’s something but I can’t put my finger on it”

Happy with my initial trial I started thinking what I wanted to use the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil for next. I thought the coconut hint would be lovely in a chicken stir fry.  I fried up my chicken and added my veggies and such to the pan:

There are many recipes for Tropical Traditions product on their website.  And I mean many.  Here is a direct link to the recipes:

My simple chicken stir fry was delicious.  I added pineapple also to my stir fry and it was a nice contrast with the hint of coconut oil flavor:

Tropical Traditions doesn’t just have coconut oil though.  There are many interesting products like: Organic Coconut Peanut Butter (which sounds heavenly to me), Coconut Oil Bar Soap, All-Purpose non-toxic household cleaner, organic raw pet food and many more products.

If you would like to order the Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil that I received you can find it here:
To Order Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil

If you do order I would appreciate it if you would use my user id when you purchase.  When you go to purchase a product it will as if you were referred by anyone.  My user is:  6162177
You can also use the referral program after you make your first purchase to earn free products. 

What would you use the coconut oil for?

****Disclaimer****  I received  a sample of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil at no cost.  I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post.  I was under no obligation to provide a positive review.  All information in this post is my opinion. *****

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How to make a rolling widget for your buttons

Ok I’m def not a web designer.  I see everyone else with these beautiful elaborate blogs and thing….man i wish i could begin to know how to do that.  I’m learning, slower than I’d like.  One thing I really liked was those cool rolling widgets to put blog buttons on.  My page was starting to look cluttered and I was hesitant to add more buttons.

So I searched the internet.  I found several how to’s. Some just didn’t make any sense to me at all, some I thought I understood but when I tried it, it didn’t work.  That is until I fell on Parajunkee Designs blog.   Her directions were step by step, simple, and even provided the codes and where to put them.  She also described what all of the directions meant and why they had to be there.  That’s what I need to learn!  Now I even know how to customize it for the future.

So if you are like me, (you don’t have to admit it) stop on over to  Parajunkee Designs
She can also create things like blog buttons, custom template and more for a fee if you want to just let someone else do the work.  According to her profile she has 10 years experience as a graphic designer and web designer, with a degree in computer graphic design.

Check out her Free section for a couple of free twitter buttons, and templates. There are also a few more tutorials.I def took advantage of the twitter button too rather than the boring blogger twitter gadget i had.  Thanks so much

L’oreal USA Consumer Testing Panel (got a great free product)

I like to sign up for company panels.  One reason is because I like to feel like I can put my opinion on  new product, I like to keep up to date on the up and coming, and of course the chance to try free products.
One panel that I’ve been a member of is the L’Oreal USA Consumer Testing Panel.  I don’t get many surveys from them.  I do complete the ones I get.  I think I’ve received 1 or 2 products to try but nothing major.

Today though, I got home from work and found a small package in the mail for me.  I opened it up and found a jar of facial cream and a letter explaining that for every 5 informational surveys you complete with them they send you 1 free luxury brand product for free as a thank you.  I was not aware of this and the product was a generous size.  It was “Kiehl’s Cryste Marine Firming Cream”  I was not familiar with the brand so I did a little research.  I found out after searching a few sites that the size jar I received (50 mL or 1.7 oz)  sells for $48 and is found at places like Nordstrom:  Kiehl’s Cryste Marine Firming Cream at Nordstrom
Amazon also has it:  Kiehl’s Cryste Marine Firming Cream 50 mL at Amazon

So wow, It’s worth being a part of the panel

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What are some of the Sweetest Things your spouse/SO has said to you lately?

This is a little off topic but I was thinking about this today.  Or, I guess thinking about what my husband said to me. I needed to borrow his SUV yesterday to pick up a bike for one of my kids.  My car doesn’t have much room.  He reluctantly let me borrow it and he took my car to work.  He came home from work last night.  He said “it was kind of refreshing driving your car to work today, would you mind if I took it tomorrow?”  I was a little shocked by the request since he was reluctant to trade for the day in the first place.  (Also he has a fairly new suv with all the bells and whistles and my car is old and has no bells and whistles).  I said “Why?” He didnt’ want to answer me at first so I just told him “I don’t care go ahead”.  He sat there for a minute and said “I liked taking your car it smells like you.  I like that especially when I’m driving to work”

I was not expecting that answer but it made me happy.  So now your turn, What is the last sweet thing your spouse/significant other said to you?  This is meant to be fun and maybe even get us thinking about our partners.  And please nothing to graphic lol.  🙂

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