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Of All The Survey Sites I’ve Used SurveySpot The Longest and Here’s Why – Luv Saving Money

Of All The Survey Sites I’ve Used SurveySpot The Longest and Here’s Why

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This post is sponsored by SurveySpot. Any opinions expressed are my own

Back a few years when I was a single mom looking for ways to make some extra cash without taking much time away from my kids I got into the survey sites.  I tried a lot of them.  Some were worth my time, others were not.  There’s only a select few that i still participate in and SurveySpot is one of them. SurveySpot offers a lot of benefits to participation and has been around a long time.

surveyspot banner


Here are some of the benefits to participating in SurveySpot:

–          Research companies need your opinion on topics like food, TV, movies, new products, and politics

–          Survey Spot is a great community and a great opportunity to get rewarded for sharing your opinion

–          Earn cash, Amazon Gift Cards, and iTunes Gift Cards

–          Free to join; Can start earning right away

–          Stand out in the community by earning badges based on your participation

–          $10,000 quarterly prize draw for active members. Each time you participate in a survey you receive an entry into the drawing. No limit on how many entries anyone can earn.

You can sign up here for free.  I have actually been paid from SurveySpot and have been using it myself for at least 11 years now. I love the fact that my opinions can influence the products I see on my store shelves or purchase online.   I trust SurveySpot, they’re not spammy like some survey sites can be.

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Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.