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National Arbor Day: My Obsession with Trees – Luv Saving Money

National Arbor Day: My Obsession with Trees

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I’ve always loved trees. They do so much for us. Helping to provide oxygen, providing a shady place to cool down, a fun place to climb or hang a swing, tree forts, privacy, bird homes, curb appeal, etc.

I remember growing up my grandparents had a huge apple tree in their yard. I was so upset when they cut it down. Why? It was so big and provided so many apples. My dad told me it was because my grandfather got tired of picking up apples when he had to cut the grass.

Then my dad had a sour cherry tree in his yard. Some years he’d get a huge bounty. Other years the birds would get to them before we ever did. Nothing like a homemade cherry pie with cherries you picked yourself.

I have always been obsessed with Weeping Cherry trees. Beautiful pink flowers with the look of a weeping willow. I planted one at our first house. It started getting big and we had to move. I told my husband I needed one for our current house. I finally got one last year. It didn’t do much last year. I was sure I killed it. Then I started seeing pink buds popping up this year and I was so happy.

I also planted a Wisteria tree last year. It’s just starting to get little buds on it. It basically looks like a giant stick in the ground at this point but I can’t wait to see what it becomes. I only found it on one site last year. No nurseries around here sold them that I could find. Now I see that Home Depot has Wisteria trees.

We have pine trees and oak trees in the back that help give us some privacy from the highway that runs behind out house. We have some type of pink trees that line our driveway that the previous owners had put in.

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Our trees are in bloom

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I can’t wait until some of these trees grow and bloom up front to make our home eye catching from the road. I’ve taken Arbor Day quite seriously the last few years planting at least one new tree each year. This year I’m trying to decide if I want to plant a sour cherry tree or a weeping redbud. I want all the trees!! My dad also had a Magnolia tree in his yard. I told him I need to grab a clipping and try to grow one from the clipping.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker