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FREE full size Aussie Hair Product! (This will go fast!) – Luv Saving Money

FREE full size Aussie Hair Product! (This will go fast!)

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P&G Good Everyday Rewards is offering a free full size Aussie hair care product for a limited time. I did it and I was able to claim my free Aussie product.

Here’s how to get your chance at receiving a free full size Aussie hair care product:

  1. If you’re not a member already, you’ll need to join the P&G Good Everyday rewards program (It’s FREE)
  2. You may need to logout of your account once you’re signed up or if you’re already a member.
  3. Then go to this link, log back in, and fill out the form to claim your free Aussie hair care product. It had me take a short survey too. But the survey was very quick.

P&G Good everyday is free to join. You can get coupons for P&G products, chances at free samples, and earn points that can be cashed in for gift cards, donations, sweepstakes entries, and more.

This post does contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission from actions taken through this post.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker