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Educational Gift for Baby: Talking Farm From – Luv Saving Money

Educational Gift for Baby: Talking Farm From

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**I received the below mentioned product for review purposes.  Any opinions expressed are my own.  No other compensation has been received**

Holiday guide 2013 button


There are so many toys available for babies of all ages. There are so many different ways to choose the right toys: from their educational value, motor skills level, age appropriateness, and sensory aspects. My daughter is currently 7 months old.  She’ll be 9 months old the day after Christmas. She is not sitting up on her own but she’s army crawling.  She loves things that light up and she seems to like the cause and effect of pushing a button and seeing/hearing something happen.  I’m trying to work on her sitting skills as well.

At you can search through their selection in a number of different ways.  You can search by keyword, age appropriate/grade appropriate, price, and category of toys. I found the chicco Talking Farm on their site which is listed for 12 months and over.  I liked the idea of the Talking Farm though because it lights up, it has lots of buttons to push that create different sounds and are educational.   It’s also a bilingual toy which has modes for both English and Spanish. Talking Farm


The one we got is set up a little bit different than the example picture on  There are 4 different game modes.  One is where they can just press the button and it tells them what theyare pushing “orange cat” and makes the animal sound when pressing the animals, “1”, so on and so forth.  Game mode 2 asks you to listen to the animal sound then find the animal that matches the sound.  When they find the correct one it tells them they’re right and reinforces the color and animal.  If wrong it says “uh oh this is the…” whatever animal they pushed then asked them again to find the correct animal.  Game mode 3 asks questions without the animal sound for example “find the white sheep”, “find the red rooster”.   Then there is a music button so they can listen to music and it changes every time they hit the note.  I also mentioned that it is bilingual.  You can switch it to Spanish and play the same games in Spanish.

There are plenty of aspects I like about this toy.  I like that everything is connected and there are no small parts.  It has a built in handle that makes it easy to carry.  The buttons are big and easy for baby to push.  As your child gets better with one game mode you can change it to another game mode to keep them learning and engaged.  Even my 4 year old son enjoyed playing with this toy. We made a video to show all the features and modes of this toy.  It’s a little longer than my normal review video but I wanted to make sure I demonstrated all the different aspects.


The chicco Talking Farm is available on for $45.99.  For a toy that does so much I think the price is worth it.  The fact that it will be relavent to them for a few years makes it have some staying power as well.   Here’s a hint to save more.  Sign up for newsletter and get 15% off your next purchase.


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Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.