**I received several products from haircoverings.com for the purpose of writing a review and hosting this sponsored giveaway. No other compensation has been received**
I’ve been browsing sales for holiday dresses for my baby girl. I’ve also been considering how cold it’s been here in PA. Making sure I have warm winter accessories for everyone at a price I can afford. Haircoverings.com has a huge selections of headbands, hats, gloves, scarves, clips, and so much more. As the name suggests, they have all kinds of hair coverings, but that’s not all.
My baby girl is 8 months old, she’ll be 9 months by Christmas. So many cutest dresses out there for the holidays. Having a girl for the first time I want to add soft headbands to pretty much all her outfits. I think these two look like a festive holiday accessories, don’t you? They even have baby santa hats. So cute!

When the weather gets cold this time of year my boys (the 3 of them) usually end up saying, “I can’t find my gloves” or “I can only find one glove” We have a bench to put all that stuff in but do they? Nope. Well they have the stretchy gloves on haircoverings.com they call them magic gloves. These are an affordable alternative for them to wear to school or for a trip to the store. I got a different color for each of them to match their winter coats. I asked them to pose with them so you could see the different colors. This first pose was my idea.

It works, I mean you can see the colors and what the gloves look like. Then they insisted on their own pose. This is what we got with that, BOYS!:

They have lots of colors in these gloves as well as other types and styles of gloves. They have all kinds of hair accessories too from clips to bandanas to snoods. Their prices are really budget friendly but they also gave me a coupon code to share with you. Use coupon code: blogdec31 to save 20% off your order. This coupon expires 12/31/13.
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Twitter: @haircoverings
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hairaccessory
Blog: http://www.haircoverings.com/blog
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a surprise box of products from haircoverings.com ($25 value)