I completed this post as part of the ShopatHome.com blogger program. I will be compensated for my work with this campaign.
There was a point in my life that I did buy nice clothes for myself, honestly there was. I can remember buying cute shirts for myself and taking the time to find matching shorts or coordinating belts. Of course, priorities shift after having kids. I truly enjoy buying clothes for my kids and finding deals to stay within budget by using cash back sites like ShopAtHome.com
Recently I’ve been going through my own wardrobe and realized how “blah” it is. Plain t-shirts, tank tops, cardigans. I realized I lost the style. I went from having nice clothes I was complimented on years ago to a convenience wardrobe. Don’t get me wrong, I still like my tank tops and yoga pants but I realized I need some style. Something to wear on my date nights with hubby or when I want to make a good impression. I decided that I was finally going to update some of my tops at least. Being on a budget I only allowed myself so much to spend so I want to get the most bang for my buck. I liked a lot of the tops on Sears.com then I realized “Hey I can earn 3% cash back from ShopAtHome.com , use coupons available on the site AND earn my Shop Your Way Rewards points through Sears.com to possibly replace more items of my wardrobe!
Alright so I’m now going to show you the embarrassment that is my wardrobe and what I’d like to replace it with from Sears.com:

Here is a deal scenario when buying these tops. Go through ShopAtHome.com to shop Sears and earn 3% cash back. Then there is a coupon on ShopAtHome for 20% off purchase a $50 purchase of clothing and accessories at Sears. If you have a sears card you get an additional 5% off. Then if you’re a ShopYourWay Rewards member you’ll also earn ShopYourWay reward points. You can also earn 50 ShopGold points on ShopAtHome.com that, once accumulated, can be cashed in for gift cards!
If you would go through ShopAtHome.com to earn cash back for an update to your wardrobe, where would you shop?