So about a month ago, my mother in law asked me if she could stay over night at our house to spend some time with the kids. She said her husband was working late shift and she didn’t really want to be by herself anyway. So I said, of course. I figured she could sleep in my one son’s room since he wasn’t there that night anyway. Well my two youngest told her they wanted to stay to all sleep in the living room. My mother in law ended up having to sleep on the love seat, my youngest son slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. My daughter tried to sleep on the couch with grandma but didn’t make it and ended up going upstairs to her own bed. I had thought a few times before that we needed an air mattress but this really did it.
Then about a week later my son had friend sleep over. We had received the SleepLux 22 ” Queen mattress and the SleepLux 15″ twin mattress to review. The kids got to try out the mattress that night.
I could not believe how easy they were to set up. If I can go back about a decade or so ago, we had an air mattress but we had to pump it up with a bicycle pump and it was a real PIA to set up. It ended up getting a hole it in it, we tossed it out and hadn’t had one since. BUT the Bestway SleepLux ones are AMAZING. You just plug them in to the wall with a little plug that is attached and tucks away in it’s own compartment. You turn the little knob to the right and it pumps itself up! Less than 5 min y’all!

You would not believe how excited our guests were to try it out too. The adults wanted to try it out, the kid wanted to try it out, you name it. Well The kids ended up sleeping on it for the slumber party. They all told me it was really comfortable and asked if we could leave the up for a while.

To take them down, you just turn the knob the other way and wait for it to deflate. Once deflated you can fold them up and put them into their own convenient storage/carrying bag. The bags are actually pretty sturdy and have a strap on them so they are easy to take with you on a camping trip, for a sleepover, or wherever you might need to use it.

Unfortunately, some of our guests couldn’t make it. The flu has been going around something fierce in our area. I just had my son off of school last week due to some flu-like symptoms. But that brings me to another point, these mattresses are easy to clean too.
Bestway SleepLux air mattresses are surprisingly affordable for the value!
You can find Bestway SleepLux air mattresses at Walmart
I received the above mentioned products at no cost from Tryazon. This post also contains affiliate links.