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UPDATED: $1 Clara Clark Hypoallergenic Memory Foam pillow? – Luv Saving Money

UPDATED: $1 Clara Clark Hypoallergenic Memory Foam pillow?

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This might be one of those typo things that ends up getting canceled but I put in an order.  I was able to submit it.  We’ll see if it gets canceled or not.

Amazon has a Clara Clark Hypoallergenic Memory Foam pillow listed for $1.  It says the original price is $65.95 and you save $64.95!  If you have Amazon Prime this will even get shipped for free.

So you can give it a go like I did if you want:

UPDATE:  I woke up this morning and it says my memory foam pillows shipped!  I ordered 2 of them at the $1 price.  Unfortunately when I went back to the site, they’re now increased the price to $19.99.  So must have been a typo thing that they honored and then changed it as soon as they realized.  

So the pillows are no longer $1.  That was quick.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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