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Week 2 ProSkin Update – Luv Saving Money

Week 2 ProSkin Update

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**I was given a pair of ProSkin leggings to complete the 28 day blogger challenge.  No other compensation has been received**

So it’s been just a little over 2 weeks now that I’ve been wearing the ProSkin leggings. If you’re not up to speed on what I’ve been doing, you can check out my “Starting the ProSkin 28 Day Blogger Challenge” post.

I told you I’ve been wearing them under my scrubs for work. I came home from work one day this past week.  I was holding my daughter as soon as I got in the door.  My son says, “Mom I’m gonna take a picture of you”  I said “Wait hold on, I’m gonna show my ProSkins so I can show them I really do wear them under my scrubs” lol.  That’s me, thinking about my posts.

So the question is did I lose anything from my 1 week update post?  Well here’s my measurements for week two.

belly: 34″  (So I lost 1/8 ” here. Not a lot but I did lose)
Hips 39.5 (stayed the same from last week)
Top of Thigh: 23 ” (lost an inch from last week, but as you’ll see I actually gained an inch after week to so in effect I’m actually back to my starting point)
Widest part of thigh: 22″ (stayed the same)
Above knee: 15.5″ (lost an inch from last week but back to starting point)
Below knee: 12.75″ (stayed the same)
widest part of calf: 13.5 (lost 1/4 inch)

Ok so again here is the moment to see if I actually lost any weight

I only lost 0.6 of a pound.  again not a big loss but I still lost.

I still like that they’re light weight.  The temps starting going up to the upper 70s and low 80s here again so they are a bit warm to wear when the temps are like that.  I think I’ll really be loving these in the fall and winter.  I don’t mind wearing them under my scrubs though because they crank the air conditioning up at work.

Only 2 more weeks to go so we’ll see what happens.

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker