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We Went to The Crayola Experience in Easton, PA – Luv Saving Money

We Went to The Crayola Experience in Easton, PA

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**I was provided with free tickets for my family from the Crayola Experience in exchange for an honest review.  No other compensation has been received**

The Crayola Experience in Easton, PA is a place I’ve been wanting to take my family too for a while now.  It’s located here in PA.  I think it appeals to everyone in my family from my husband and I too my baby girl.  Crayola has been around for a long time.  I think we’ve all had some type of Crayola products in our life at one time or another. The fact that Crayola makes you think of colors and imagination, well I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for us at the Crayola Experience.  Even if you’ve been before, they added 18 new activities this year so it would be worth another trip.

There was a parking garage located right across the street with a reasonable rate ($2 per hour).  There was also meter parking along the street.  Easton itself was a very clean and beautiful town with a variety of restaurants and shops nearby.  We stayed at the Comfort Inn on Nazareth Road which was only a couple minute drive from the Crayola Experience.

One of the first things we say in the Crayola Cafe was the world’s largest crayon weighing in at 1500 lbs and 15 ft long.

World's Largest Crayon
World’s Largest Crayon

The Crayola Cafe had light food like sandwiches, salads, soft pretzels, and drinks available.  Fairly reasonably priced for a place like this.  There were bright colors every where you went.

My son is 4 and one of his favorite parts was the “Doodle in the Dark” section.  The room was dimmed and there were all kinds of hands on and active stations in this room.

There were these boards in the “Doodle in the Dark” section which made glow in the dark pictures.  There was also a floor the kids could go on that had different activities like games, coloring pages, and music activities.  A lot of the kids of all ages had fun with this.  In the picture below the game had balloons everywhere and when you stepped on the balloons they popped and you got points.

The other activity in this room included a screen with colored squares on the floor.  When you stepped into one of the squares there Crayola man on the screen woke up.  When you moved the crayon guy would move like you.  So if you waved he would wave and so on.  My son could have spent an hour there.

My husband and I both enjoyed the “Art Alive” activity.  The room had a bunch of touch screen tablets.  You could choose a coloring page, color it on the screen, choose an animation, and when you were done it would appear on a big screen on the wall.  My son loved this too.

Crayola Art Alive
Crayola Art Alive
crayola art alive screen crayola experience art alive crayola exprience art alive wall

My diver I colored is on the bottom by the crab.  My son’s fish he colored is hard to see because of the color he used.  His is the fish colored in the aqua blue next to the orange fish by the crayon diver.  There was a large indoor playground too with lots of levels.  The parents could sit on benches or there were tables set u where you could color a picture and then turn it into a puzzle for no additional cost.  Around the play area there were squares on the floor that were like pavement but soft.  They had buckets of Crayola sidewalk chalk on the ground and you could draw on the floor.  I took the time to make my mark.

Crayola exprience sidewalk chalk

There were 4 floors of activities.  There were many projects you could work on and take home with you.  The meltdown hand tables with containers of melted crayons that you could grab a card stock car and paint using a stick with melted crayons.  When you first enter and buy your tickets you are given tokens to use in the machines like the Marker Maker and “Wrap it Up” which allowed you to choose certain colors of crayons and make a custom label.  You could have it say whatever you wanted.  I made one for each of my kids with their name on it.  You could also choose a symbol to put next to the name.  It dispensed a crayon and label. You could walk over to a table and it gave you simple instructions on how to wrap your crayon.  I ran into an issue when we put in a token.  It dispensed the wrappers but not the crayon.  An attendant was available and quickly fixed it and gave us out tokens back.  She was very friendly and helped a few people with different things while we were in that area.

summer 2013 002

We were there for 3 1/2 hours and still didn’t get to try everything they had available. The one thing I would have liked to have seen but didn’t was the crayon making demonstration.  There was a lot of activities we did that would just make this post a mile long but I think you get the idea.

To find out more about the Crayola Experience in Easton, PA you can go to their website:

You can also find them on these social media sites:

Twitter: @VisitCrayola

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker