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introvert – Luv Saving Money

An Introvert Goes to a Blogger Conference

It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.  It was a matter of coordination.  My husband and I both work, we work opposite shifts.  We also have 4 kids, 3 of which are involved in sports and other activities.  All the family we have around us work. How in the world could I coordinate attending a blog conference?  Well I made it a goal, a good year ahead of time. My husband and I put in for time off so he could be home with the kids while I was away at the conference. Or better yet, we could line up a sitter and my husband and I could get away for a weekend.  We never did get a honeymoon.

Then my husband got a promotion. Good news!  Bad news, his days off he was approved for were taken away since he was in a new position.  Then came the fact that we’re buying a new house.  Closing Wednesday as a matter of fact.  2 days before I leave for the conference.  They had pushed back our closing date several times before they finally settled on the 16th.  At this point I couldn’t decide if I should cancel my conference or still try to make it work. Then there was the idea of, we’ll need the money for the new house right?  Am I selfish for wanting to go or am I just rationalizing reasons not to go?  My husband told me to go, I planned this he said, thought this is what I wanted. My dad retired in May. My dad now volunteers regularly to watch the kids.  He’s great with them, I think he looks forward to it sometimes.  He’s going to help with the kids.

Even with all the changes and the house we managed to line things up.  I was so happy I didn’t have to cancel my conference…I think.  I’ve never been to an in-person conference before.  I did an online blog conference a couple years ago.  I learned so much.  I really wanted to go in person though, meet some colleagues, meet some of the bloggers I interact with online.

peopley meme

Even with all that, I have to admit, I’m nervous. I’m an introvert.  I’m much more comfortable at home working on my blog. If I’m going out I feel better with having my husband or one or two friends with me.  They say sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone, take chances, if you want to succeed.  I so want that.  I so want to learn and figure out how to make this little blog better.  So, I’m trying to keep the lid on my anxiety.

I’d say “Watch out Bloggy Conference 15, here I come” but knowing how I am, just look for me in the corner taking notes, checking my phone, or sitting on my balcony staring at the lake with a glass of wine in my hand.

I’m leaving you with this “cartoon”  The first time I saw this I wanted to cry.  Someone understands me!


introvert cartoon, how to interact

I’ll let you know how it goes