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Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop – Luv Saving Money

Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop

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This year has been so different. I hardly know what to think about the holidays. As it stands, my family has decided to do separate thanksgivings because of all the COVID stuff.

We’ve been blessed though because my husband and I are both essential workers and didn’t lose much time during the pandemic. I’m a healthcare worker and my husbands is a corrections officer.

Because we know we were blessed we’ve been trying to give back more this year. We bought a bunch of toys to donate to our local police toy drive. We’ve made several donations to our local volunteer fire hall, and a few other places.

How have you faired during the pandemic so far?

Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop: $30 Amazon GC

Now visit these blogs for even more giveaways

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

4 thoughts on “Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop”

  1. This pandemic has been a total crazy time. Having a whole new schedule with my family brings alot of stress, and funding has become even tighter but our family (three kids, two dogs, and a husband) somehow in Oregon have been making it happen. All I know is I’m grateful for what I got because there are way more out here that need way more than I do especially after all the devastating fires.

  2. This won’t give me the entry to Retweet any tweet…it keeps saying reload page and I’ve reloaded about five times and it still won’t give me the entry!! 🙁

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