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SpiderWeb Storage Solutions 3 X 17 X 18 Adjustable Shelf – Luv Saving Money

SpiderWeb Storage Solutions 3 X 17 X 18 Adjustable Shelf

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**I received the below mentioned product at no cost in order to complete an honest review. No other compensation was received**

We have a small shed attached to our house.  It can’t house much but we can keep our push mower, rakes, gardening equipment, etc. in it and it works fine for us.  There are several plain wooden shelves in our shed but they kind of got cluttered.  They were a mixture of gardening tools, outdoor tools, lawn care items, and so on.  When I wanted to find my gardening tools I’d have to sift through bottles, and pots, and things and hope I didn’t jab myself with something.

SpiderWeb Storage Solutions have durable aluminum shelves that come in a range of sizes with adjustable shelves.  These tough organizers are great for the garage, shed, basement, or wherever you might need a tough durable shelf.

The shelves come with nuts and bolts to easily adjust the top and bottom shelf to whatever distance apart you would like.  There are convenient wholes in the top on both sides if you want to screw it into a wall.  The handle makes it easy to carry.  This shelf is actually a bit heavy for it’s size.

I decided to screw mine into the wall in my shed and use it for my gardening tools.

I know it looks like it’s on a door.  Because it is, sort of.  I’m guessing the shed was added onto the house at some point before we bought it.  The door actually does not open and is part of the back wall of the shed.  Anywho, it made a good spot for my SpiderWeb Storage shelf.

The second idea I had for the shelf was to collect my daughters baby food jars and use it to store jars full of things like screws, bolts, washers, etc. in the basement near my husband’s tool bench.  Which I still might do, I haven’t completely decided yet.

It came with the screws for adjusting the shelves but the screws were not appropriate for hanging.  So I found some wood screws in my hubby’s bench and used those to hang it with the pre-drilled holes at the top of the shelf.  In a garage, this shelf could also sit on a counter or the floor and be quite sturdy.

You can actually buy additional shelves for each unit on their site:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker