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Emery Nicolson
Emery Nicolson
Paranormal Romance
Paranormal Romance
winds of change are blowing… And something wicked is brewing in the
winds of change are blowing… And something wicked is brewing in the
Lockhart is descended from a long line of powerful witches but that
doesn’t mean she has the foresight to avoid being stood up by her
blind date, nor the courage to change her miserable life.
Lockhart is descended from a long line of powerful witches but that
doesn’t mean she has the foresight to avoid being stood up by her
blind date, nor the courage to change her miserable life.
in a rut and unappreciated by her family, Millie must make a choice
when fate throws the criminally sexy Colm Walker her way. A choice
between a man who is a complete anathema to her family – but makes
Millie feel alive – or to languish in her status quo.
in a rut and unappreciated by her family, Millie must make a choice
when fate throws the criminally sexy Colm Walker her way. A choice
between a man who is a complete anathema to her family – but makes
Millie feel alive – or to languish in her status quo.
yes to Colm Walker could make all of Millie’s dreams come true…Or it could cost her everything.
yes to Colm Walker could make all of Millie’s dreams come true…Or it could cost her everything.
her life.
her life.
Wicked was originally published as a 20,000 word novella back in
2015. It has been modified and extended into a full-length novel of
over 65,000 words.
Wicked was originally published as a 20,000 word novella back in
2015. It has been modified and extended into a full-length novel of
over 65,000 words.
book is written in British English which means British spellings and
book is written in British English which means British spellings and
sale for .99 cents!!**
sale for .99 cents!!**
Nicolson lives in the south of England with her husband, son and
assorted fur babies. In her spare time, she likes to think about
writing, binge watch tv shows, read and partake of pyjama-themed
dance parties often while drinking spiced rum from a mug. SomethingWicked is her first novel.
Nicolson lives in the south of England with her husband, son and
assorted fur babies. In her spare time, she likes to think about
writing, binge watch tv shows, read and partake of pyjama-themed
dance parties often while drinking spiced rum from a mug. SomethingWicked is her first novel.

It feels like I’ve just fallen asleep when I’m awoken by someone
obnoxiously ringing my doorbell, over and over and over again.
Blinking sticky eyes open, I roll over and check the time on my phone
screen. Seven o clock! Who in the right bloody mind goes knocking on
someone’s door at that time on a Saturday? It’s cruel! It’s unnatural! But
whoever the knob head is they aren’t buggering off like I’d hoped they
would, leaving me no choice but to get out of bed and answer the bloody
“Alright, alright! I’m coming!” I yell, as I stomp down the hall, and
flick on a light before taking a peek through the peephole.
“Bitch!” I shout through the door as I start releasing the locks. There
are quite a few, so it’s a bit of a slow process, but when you live in a
basement apartment, I feel you can’t be too careful.
“Stop your whining Lockhart! I’ve got to be at work in an hour and
details can’t wait!”
Pulling the door open, I’m faced with the happy smiling face of my
BFF Sarah. I fucking hate morning people, as a whole, but at least this pre-
dawn menace has the decency to come bearing gifts.
“Do I smell bacon?” I ask, as she marches past me with a brown bag
of goodness and a cup holder with two coffees.
“Hell yes its bacon. You think I’d be stupid enough to wake the bear
without bringing a sacrifice?”
obnoxiously ringing my doorbell, over and over and over again.
Blinking sticky eyes open, I roll over and check the time on my phone
screen. Seven o clock! Who in the right bloody mind goes knocking on
someone’s door at that time on a Saturday? It’s cruel! It’s unnatural! But
whoever the knob head is they aren’t buggering off like I’d hoped they
would, leaving me no choice but to get out of bed and answer the bloody
“Alright, alright! I’m coming!” I yell, as I stomp down the hall, and
flick on a light before taking a peek through the peephole.
“Bitch!” I shout through the door as I start releasing the locks. There
are quite a few, so it’s a bit of a slow process, but when you live in a
basement apartment, I feel you can’t be too careful.
“Stop your whining Lockhart! I’ve got to be at work in an hour and
details can’t wait!”
Pulling the door open, I’m faced with the happy smiling face of my
BFF Sarah. I fucking hate morning people, as a whole, but at least this pre-
dawn menace has the decency to come bearing gifts.
“Do I smell bacon?” I ask, as she marches past me with a brown bag
of goodness and a cup holder with two coffees.
“Hell yes its bacon. You think I’d be stupid enough to wake the bear
without bringing a sacrifice?”
Followthe tour HEREfor exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!
I love the cover – It makes me want to pick up the book.
The cover is eye catching.
Thanks for the chance.
Im excited to read her first noveland love the genre.