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Smile Brilliant Professional Teeth Whitening System Review (+ Giveaway) – Luv Saving Money

Smile Brilliant Professional Teeth Whitening System Review (+ Giveaway)

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For the new year I have a number of goals: Lose 10 lbs, organize my home, and do more for myself.  You moms know how it is.  We always put our kids first and often forget about ourselves.  I can’t tell you when the last time I had a manicure was…. Years, possibly a decade.  I’m lucky if I get my hair cut and styled once a year.  I just go to one of those walk-in places because it’s cheaper and I can do it when I find a spare hour (thus the once a year thing).

One thing I’ve been wanting to attend to is my smile.  I’m a coffee drinker and my teeth just aren’t as white as they used to be. I’m not a fan of traditional white strips.  They only whiten your front teeth, they’re kinda awkward to use, and they make my sensitive teeth ache.  I don’t have the time or the money to go get them professionally whitened. Smile Brilliant eliminated all my excuses for not trying to whiten my teeth.


Wow a professional teeth whitening kit I could use at home, on my own time.  Not just any home teeth whitening kit but, one with custom trays that I can use over and over again! Yep, sign me up.

I received my sensitive teeth whitening kit from Smile Brilliant. It comes with everything you need to create your molds including the putty and catalyst, trays, and even a prepaid mailing package.  My kit also contained a storage container for my trays, sensitive teeth gel, whitening, gel, and of course easy to follow instructions.

They send you extra impression material in case you mess up too. I thought for sure I’d need it but I didn’t.  I was so proud of myself.

I received my kit December 14. On December 17 I got my molds made up and on December 19 dropped them off at the post office to go  back to Smile Brilliant so they could make my custom teeth whitening trays.  I was doing all this around the holidays and just didn’t know how long it would take with all the holiday madness. I received my teeth whitening trays back December 31.

I had time to do a teeth whitening session at home before heading out to our family new year’s eve party. I used the sensitivity gel because I had experienced teeth sensitivity with other whitening products. Each syringe is good for about 3 treatments.  The same goes for the whitening syringes.


The desensitizing gel definitely helped. I noticed it had a slightly sweet taste to it. The whitening gel itself had a very subtle sweet flavor.  The gel syringes makes it easy for you to put the right amount in your trays.  My trays fit nicely in my mouth. I felt I could go on about my day while I was whitening. I could do laundry, talk to the kids, cook supper, everything except eat and drink with them in.

Teeth Trays Are In!

Another thing I like about Smile Brilliant teeth whitening system is it doesn’t just whiten your front teeth. The trays cover your molars too.  I took a few pics to compare for progress.

I still have plenty of desensitizing gel and whitening gel left to whiten my teeth whenever they need it.  The process was easy and doesn’t keep me from doing other things. In fact I just ran to a ATM and dropped my oldest son off at his friend’s house while I whitened my teeth!

You can find Smile Brilliant at:


1 US winner will receive a coupon to get the

Smile Brilliant T3 Sensitive System FREE (the same kit I reviewed)

US only

Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening System

The Jeepers It’s January Blog Hop is hosted by  The Kids Did It and The Mommy Island   Check out the giveaways on all these other blogs too!

I received the above mentioned product at no cost in order to complete an honest review. Any opinions expressed are my own.

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

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