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Purex Ultra Packs Plus Oxi Laundry Detergent – Luv Saving Money

Purex Ultra Packs Plus Oxi Laundry Detergent

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**I received the below mentioned product as part of the Purex Insiders blogger program.  I also have a chance to win a gc for sharing the sweepstakes.**

I’ve mentioned before that I love any product that can make household chores easier, quicker, less messy, and actually work.  I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing a few products like this and today I bring you another, Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi Laundry Detergent.

Ever since Purex came out with these little ultrapack products, I’ve been a fan.  You just take one of the little “ultrapacks” of laundry detergent and throw it straight into your washing machine with your clothes. No mess, no measuring, no fighting to get the last little bit out of the bottle.  I love them.  Now Purex introduced the new Ultrapacks Plus Oxi with their Dirt Lift Action.

Purex Ultrapacks Plus Oxi come in a convenient resealable pouch.  You only need one little Ultrapack to do an entire load.  Here is a picture to show the scale of the Ultrapack.  I compared it to my sons pocket knife I found in his pants while I was doing the laundry.

For this load I washed, among other things, my boys’ football jerseys.  They have grass stains, dirt marks, sweat stains, and who knows what else on them.

This is one of the shoulders of my oldest son’s jersey.  Since we got it, there has been some kind of blue streak (located at the top of the pic) that I’m thinking must have come from the screen printing.  Then there was that dirt mark across the shoulder and small one on the seam where the shoulder meets the sleeve.

You can see how good it worked.  The the big dirt streak is gone.  I had put a bunch of Fels-Naptha on the blue streak not really expecting it to come out but it looks like it faded that a bit too.  All in all I’m happy with the way these work.

Speaking of football, there’s a lot of other things going on that makes me think about fall.  The weather is starting to get a little cooler, the days are just a little shorter.  And Purex has a new sweepstakes, Step Into Fall Sweepstakes where you can win $1000 AND a year supply of Purex with Dirt Lift Action!  You can enter daily until 9/30/13.

3 Luv Saving Money readers are going to win
a coupon for a FREE pack of 
Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi detergent
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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker