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Luv Saving Money – Page 1002 – Life on a Budget

Your Most Triumphant Outlet Shopping Story

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As you all know, I love a good bargain, good sale, outlet shopping etc.  I driving my way down south and happened to notice an outlet mall in Hagerstown, MD.  I stopped.  They had a lot of great stores.  I enjoyed the landscaping of the outlets outside.   It was a beautiful day I remember.

I came across a Children’s Place outlet.  You might know from a previous post that I love Children’s Place. I go in and wouldn’t you know, they had an end of season clearance going on.  I had just had my first son.  I love buying baby clothes. I came across this clearance rack with baby clothes labeled for crazy amounts like $1, $2, $3, and so on. I couldn’t believe it.  I stocked up. I got several pieces including dress pants for my son, t-shirts, even a pair of snow pants.  I must have had at least 10 pieces of clothing from him.

The girl at the register starts ringing me up.  Until it was all said and done, my total, $22.  Yes my friends, that’s the way I like to shop!  With a feeling of accomplishment for spending so little and providing some nice clothes for my son, I was back on my road trip.

If you’d like to participate in this go to: and GAP Most Triumphant Outlet shopping experience blogging contest

Also, here is a coupon code for GAP to get 15% off a purchase of $75 or more:
GAP coupon code

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Gap Outlet blogging program to be eligible to get a $20 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.” 

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Love this clip from Good Morning America

Save money and look good.  It kills me to see people dropping $100 and up on jeans when I see perfectly good
less expensive jeans on the store shelves and racks.  But who am I?  I'm no expert. So Good Morning America
did a great clip on designer vs. less expensive denim.

See the results for yourself.
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Earth Brite Natural All Purpose Cleaner Review

Earth Brite Natural All-Purpose Cleaner 2-pack at

So I’m laying in bed one night flipping channels. I flick past HSN and then click back.  They’re doing the spot on Earth Brite Natural All-Purpose Cleaner.  They are showing all the things this product supposedly cleans.  You know: pots and pans, ovens, mirrors, tennis shoes, grills, PVC furniture, windows,  just lots of stuff.  I’m thinking “wow that would be great if it really worked like that.”  Then there’s the other thing that goes through your head “nothing ever works the way it does on tv”.

Now let me just say I am not typically an HSN, QVC, infomercial shopper.   As I listened it talked about being all natural.  Clay based.  Safe to have around children.  Safe for the environment.

Yea, yea, right.  So I clicked the tv off and went to bed.  The next morning I got up and went into the kitchen.  I noticed the knobs in the kitchen were tarnished.  I tried a stainless steel cleaner and it smelled so bad.  I thought about my once white canvas shoes. I wonder if it would work on that.  I had an HSN giftcard that i received. I went to HSN’s website and decided to order the Earth Brite Natural All-Purpose Cleaner 2 pack.

I got it in the mail, read over the directions and went to work.  I was thrilled to see the knobs on the cupboard in my kitchen shining again!  I tried it on my white canvas shoes..clean!  I was reading all the uses and tried almost all of them.  I was shocked at how great it cleaned the mirror in the bathroom.  Then the big test.  I tried it on one of my old pots. You know that tarnished, baked on whatever you call it on the bottom of your pan.  This did not work like I hoped.  It did clean some of that off but my pots didn’t gleam like my kitchen cabinet knobs and mirrors.  Oh well can’t have it all I guess.  I bought this about 5 months ago and still haven’t used all of the first container.  You don’t need a lot for it to work.

It also gives me piece of mind for my 10 month old, who is now getting into everything.  Even if he would get hold of this product, it’s all natural and non toxic.  Also Earth friendly.

The product is currently selling on HSN for $19.95 plus shipping.  They do occasionally have sales though. Also they have their $70k giveaway right now.  Enter to win gift cards and more.  You also get a chance at a coupon code.

All in all I give the Earth Bright All-Natural Cleaner an A- the only thing it didn’t work for that it claimed was to get that nasty crap off the bottom of your pots but worked wonderful for everything else. Last a long time. Safe around children.  Earth Friendly.  So I think it deserves the A-
Earth Brite All-Natural Cleaner on HSN

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Starbuck’s Pike’s Place Roast Review—Bzzagent

I’m a member of  Which makes me, a bzzagent.   There are so many perks to being a bzzagent.  Number 1 is getting to try new products for free. My latest product: Starbuck’s Pike’s Place Roast ground coffee. 

As any coffee lover might agree the scent of a freshly opened package of coffee is enough to wake you up sometimes. The Scent of Starbuck’s Pike Place Roast is no different. I have to admit, I’m not an avid Starbuck’s coffee drinker but I do treat myself every now and then.  This Pike’s Place Roast however, may make me indulge a little more often. It has a very smooth flavor. Great by itself or with your favorite creamer.  ( I did try it both ways.)  I was reading the package and Pike’s Place Roast is in reference to Starbucks first store site in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. I did not know that.

As a freebie addict I also notice on the bag “Bring your empty bag (from the coffee) we’ll give you a coffee.  When this bag is out of coffee, exchange it for a tall brewed coffee (12 fl oz) on us.”  So there’s my next Starbucks trip.  Yay!

I also received a small bag of Caffe Verona ground coffee in my bzzkit.  This one is bolder.  In my opinion not as smooth as the Pike Place Roast.  The description of the Caffe Verona reads: “Inspired by Italian passion for wonderful food and coffee, this rich, well-balanced blend has a dark cocoa texture and a roasty sweetness, like the flavor of fire-roasted marshmallows after you pull off the darkened cap.”  boy do they know how to make you want to drink coffee.

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Cinderella Project helping girls to be princesses for the prom

I just learned about this last year from one of my coworkers.  The Cinderella project offers prom gowns to girls without the high cost normally associated with prom gowns. New and used gowns are donated and girls are allowed to come and try on prom gowns and borrow them for their prom.

There are Cinderella Project events going on all over the country.  I live in PA and here is a news story from my local area about the Cinderella Project:
Local PA Cinderella Project Story

I think this is a wonderful idea.  They do not ask for proof of income and anyone can participate.  Do a search for your area to see where your local Cinderella Event is taking place.

I can tell you near my area it’s happening at the YWCA in Johnstown

2010 Try On Dates are March 20th and 27th 12PM to 3PM, first come first served, same process as last year you will be giving a number when you arrive and called up to the dresses by number. 1 dress per girl. Remember we have limited space so please try to bring only one family member with you if possible.

That is directly from the Johnstown, pa Cinderella Project Facebook page

Johnstown, PA Cinderella Project Facebook

IF you have gowns that you would like to donate, you can drop them off at your local Cinderella Project event site or visit: 

for more info.  I think this is a great project.  Also a good way to clean out your closets.  I know I had a couple prom gowns I only wore once.

In my search I found sites for many other Cinderella project sites so do a search and find your area.

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