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Officemate Desk Supplies at – Luv Saving Money

Officemate Desk Supplies at

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**I received the below mentioned products as part of the blogger program.  No other compensation has been received** has so many office supplies.  I’ve visited the sites a number of times and saw many products I’d like to have for my home office.  Even products I didn’t even know I’d like so much, that is until I got a chance to try them.  I’ve even poured over the promotional products on their site eyeballing things I might like to have to promote this site.

I received an Officemate Landscape clipboard from to review.  I could think of lots of household uses like using it for the kids to clip coloring pages or blank paper to and let them draw pictures for quiet time.  Another idea I came up with was using it as a flexible felt board toy for travel.  My youngest son absolutely loved the idea and will play with the felt board for 30-45 minutes at time.

Playing with Felt board

The other item I received to review was a desk organizer and oh boy do I need that.  Actually this is one product I didn’t know I really needed until I had it.  This organizer had places to put pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. Then there’s a slot to put bills or in my case, some stationary I use to send out blog correspondence.  There’s a picture slot.  Little drawers to put paper clips, change, rubber bands, or other small things and a few small trays for whatever you want.  I use mine to keep track of my SD card reader and my chalk for my “to do” board.

Blog 001

The spot in the middle where I have my gift cards is actually meant for business cards but this works too.  I’m not entirely sure what the little sections on either side of the business card holder are actually meant for but this worked well for my use.  My SD card reader fit in their perfectly.

Check out for lots of other items. Whether you need for industrial supplies or home office products they have a big selection.  They have lots of things to help your business from Promotional shirts to Office stationary.

Product received for post

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.