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Making Chocolates With Your Valentine with GLEE Candy Kits – Luv Saving Money

Making Chocolates With Your Valentine with GLEE Candy Kits

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Time together is a precious commodity for us.  We’re always so busy. The boys’ with football, archery, soccer, lifting. My hubby working full-time, me working part-time, running my blog, and running kids to all above mentioned activities. When we have a day together …I mean actually together when I don’t have to drop a kid off somewhere or attend a meeting I like to take full advantage.

I could easily just buy my kids a small box of chocolates and say Happy Valentines day but it’s so much more fun to make chocolates together as a family. Everyone can make chocolates the way they want adding marshmallows or peanut butter or just plain old milk chocolate.  It’s time away from the TV screens and video games. It’s a way to get creative.  GLEE candy kits make it super easy to do this.

If chocolate isn’t your thing, they also have make your own gummy candy kits, and make your own gum its.  ALL the kits and all candy they sell on is all natural. Each kit comes with almost everything you need to make the candy you’ve chosen.


Another thing I like about GLEE candy kits is that they’re also educational.  They give info on where the candy comes from. The chocolate kit, for instance, has 2 cacao beans and information about cacao in the box.  It even tells you to taste them.  I don’t want to ruin it for you but the cacao bean does not taste like a chocolate bar lol.

The kids enjoy baking and cooking as a family.  I have to give each one jobs and we take turns. This one dumps something in, this one stirs, this on dumps the next thing in, etc.

After getting everything mixed and cooled to the right temperature it was time to put them in the chocolate wrappers and add our favorite things to it. We kept some plain, some just had peanut butter, others had marshmallows and pecans. We mixed it up.  It made a decent amount of chocolates. We’re a family of 6 and each of us got to have a couple pieces.

It didn’t take long for them to harden in the fridge then they were ready to enjoy. The chocolate was smooth and sweet.  The kit had easy to follow directions. Most the steps (aside from heating the chocolates) were easy enough so even the little ones could participate.

GLEE candy kits are only $13.95 per kit but I have a coupon for you for 15% off everything at Use code: LUVSAVING until 4/30/17

GLEE gum also has lots of flavors of natural gum which make nice Valentine treat handouts for school and natural Gum Pops too!


You can find GLEE Gum on these social media channels:

GLEE Gum on Facebook

Twitter: @GLEEguy

Instagram: @glee.gum


One Luv Saving Money readers will win

a GLEE candy making kit of their choice

US only

Valentine GLEE Candy Kit Giveaway

I received the above mentioned product at no cost in order to complete an honest review. Any opinions expressed are my own. Prize is sponsored by GLEE gum.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

67 thoughts on “Making Chocolates With Your Valentine with GLEE Candy Kits”

  1. The make your own gummy kit looks fun. I think my girls would enjoy doing these kits.

  2. I like the how to make your own bubblegum kit! I think it’d be fun and educational for kids.

  3. These kits look so fun!! I like the make your own gummies kit – I’ve never tried making gummies before!

  4. I would love to try the Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit. My daughter and I would have so much fun making the gum.

  5. I really like the Make Your Own Gummies Kit! My kids a re a little young for bubble gum, but making gummies would be right up their alley! 🙂

  6. My favorite is the “Make Your Own Gummies” kit! That looks like fun!!! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you. Happy February!

  7. My daughter;s favorite thing from them is the bubble gum making kit. I think the Glee gum pops sound good.

  8. The mixed berry gum is my favorite. I love this gum and am ok with giving it to my daughter because it doesn’t have artificial colors!

  9. I would love the Make Your Own Gummies Kit! I am a huge gummy bear fan, and my kiddo’s would flip over being able to make their own!

  10. I’d like to try the make your own gummies kit. I loved mango flavored gummies when I was in China and they are difficult to find in the USA. 🙂

  11. I would also love to try the Triple Berry GLEE Gum! This chocolate making kit is so cool! 🙂

  12. I like the Make Your Own Gummies kit. This product looks like it would be a great family project on a rainy day.

  13. The mix berry one sounds good. I have always loved the classic bubblegum flavor and would love to try theirs.

  14. This looks amazing. I would give it to my 18 year old daughter that’s in culinary school. But I’d get her to make me anything chocolate.

  15. My favorite Glee product is the Watermelon Glee Gum – I LOVE that stuff and stock up most of the times that I go to the grocery.

  16. this kit sounds awesome but i’d also like to try the make your own gummies kit! the gum dispenser is also really cool!

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