Laser Pegs are a hot new toy for the holidays. What are Laser Pegs? They’re national award winning light up building blocks where each piece feeds the next piece low voltage current. They are made with high quality LED which will run for about 100,000 hourse. It’s the equivalent of them running for 11 years non-stop!

You can enter to win the Laser Pegs table with this rafflecopter form: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Ok ready for the 2nd piece of good news? and Laser Pegs will be having a twitter party on Dec. 8, 2012 from 9-10 pm EST Here is the info for the twitter party:
* Hashtag: #laserpegs
* RSVP for party through Rafflecopter
* Participants must Tweet once with hashtag during the Party to be eligible to win
* We will give out small prizes throughout the party with 1 Grand Prize 5 minutes to the end.
– So what can you win?
– 20 Laser Pegs Necklaces for 20 Party Attendees (Each a value of $4.99)
– 1 Bot Kit 670 (Value of $19.99)
– Grand Prize: 1 Indy Car Kit 870 (Value of $29.99)
So come and join us at the twitter party and don’t forget to sign up for the Laser Pegs network and enter the weekly sweepstakes!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the $100 Visa Gift card sweepstakes from Olay!
I would love to get Kit 970 for my kids since they love spaceships!
We are addicted to dragons in our family. Even my blog name means Children of the Dragons (tyrneathem).
@d1_dawn would love to win any of these kits they are fanatastic!