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Have you ever looked at a wall in your room or hallway and said “something needs done with that” but you just weren’t sure what. Perhaps you have a rather plain door in your house and you think maybe you’d like to dress it up a bit but not sure how. Vinyl decals are a great option.
Vinyl decals from give you a way to decorate that empty space in your house without ruining your paint. You can leave it there permanently or change it up for the holidays or when you just need a refresh. They even offer car decals like the popular family decals for cars.

Use them to decorate your headboard on your bed, cupboard doors, your ceilings, your floors even. They even have holiday decals to get festive for Christmas, New Year’s or whenever.
My boys have a military theme going in their room. I painted their walls, had got camo bedsets, hung pictures of things like tanks and such but still it needed more. I saw that they had a Black Hawk helicopter vinyl decal and thought it would be perfect. I love that you can choose different sizes and colors for almost every decal on the site. They even do custom orders.
The boys were very excited about the decal. I let them tell me where they would like it in their room. Now I’ll be honest, I’ve tried other vinyl decals from other sites. I’ve had some issues. I was a little leary about how this was going to turn out. I didn’t want to let a bad experience with other companies give me a negative opinion of all vinyl decal companies. With some hesitation I started.
Clean wall and dry: Check
So I started the process
I found the placement and made sure it was level. They sent a handy scraper type tool to smooth out the decal on the wall after and make sure the vinyl adheres to the wall. I had to go over some of the smaller, more detailed areas a couple times with a bit of pressure but it worked.
I was impressed with how well it looked on the wall. It’s been up now for about 4 days. I keep checking it to make sure there was no peeling or anything and I haven’t seen any signs of it yet. My boys walls aren’t real smooth, there’s a bit of texture to it and has semi-gloss paint over top but the vinyl still stuck very nice.
My boys love it. In fact when I was tucking them in tonight my oldest said, that helicopter looks cool mom. My opinion, is not like the other vinyl decal companies and their products are much better quality than other’s I’ve tried.
They don’t just have pictures though, you can get quotes, initials, and more on the site.
You can find Vinyl Disorder on twitter: @VinylDisorder and on facebook:
1 Luv Saving Money reader will win a Vinyl Disorder decal of their choice
up to 36″ in size (excludes gold leaf and glow in the dark)
US and Canada
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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Coney Island New Jersey Landmarks Roller Coaster
Headboard Home décor Embellishments Design Elements Vinyl Wall Decal Mural Quotes Words EM007
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
let him sleep for when he wakes he’ll move mountains debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
Zombie Response Team! So funny.
Beach Ocean Scenery Navigation Vinyl Decal Sticker Stickers MC11
radeeolover at yahoo dot com
I’d like a dragonfly, either DC002 or DC001 in purple very much.
I’d probably choose one of the headboards like EMO25, but the hearts are cute too 🙂
I’d choose something girly like hearts.
I would choose darthvader2
I would love to have the At-At Walker Starwars Star wars Vinyl Decal Stickers 001 for my son! Thanks!
Glow in the Dark Star Vinyl Decal Mural Kit GDK51 —– Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I love the bamboo – my daughter is moving into her apartment and would love decals
i like Chandelier NS007 Vinyl Decal Wall Art Sticker Mural
I love the sunflowers
I like the “Always & Forever” wall quote
Bless this home and all who enter
My son would love Item #: DragonST001 in his room. Thanks!
Sun Smiley Face Star Stars Window Vinyl Car Wall Decal Sticker Stickers MC50
I like this one Item #: HealthyLifestyleDC048
Blessed be the name of the lord Scriptural Christian Vinyl Wall Decal Mural Quotes Words C014BlessedbeII
i would get the Dogs companion pug Vinyl Decal Wall Art Sticker. MY dog would go nuts if i put it on the wall!
I’d love to have the Tree Frog Frogs Animal Animals Vinyl Decal Sticker 001. I’d put it on my car!
Love Laughter and Happily ever after
All because two people fell in love Wall Quote Mural Decal
This would be cute for my son who LOVES Trains!!
I like this one: Letter P Monogram Letters Vinyl Wall Decal Sticker Mural Quotes Words MG002P
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I like the dragons mythical vinal decal for my son
christine hammer weideman
I would get “I love you to the moon and back”. It would be perfect for the kids’ room. hotmail (dot) com
I like all the graffiti ones! I would let the kids pick one!
My son would love the airplane!! Hmmm, hard to choose for myself though. Too many that i like!
I would get “I love you to the moon and back”.
Basketball AL 002 Dribbling Sports Vinyl Decal Car or Wall Sticker Mural is what I’d pick:)
Glow in the dark stars mural 🙂
I like “Love overflows and joy never ends in a home that’s blessed with family and friends” Wall Quote Mural Decal.
i like the bless those who enter our home
I like trees JC003.
Because someone we love is in heaven there’s a little bit of heaven in our home Family and Friends Vinyl Wall Decal Mural Quotes Words PW005BecauseI
Clown Clowns Car or Wall Vinyl Decal Stickers CF007
I would love to have
I love A true love story never ends Wall Quote Mural Decal
I would like the pit bull jc003!
Bat Bats Vinyl Wall Decal Stickers.