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Hand Sanitizer with NO Alcohol and Moistens Your Hands? Yes Please – Luv Saving Money

Hand Sanitizer with NO Alcohol and Moistens Your Hands? Yes Please

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**I received a sample of the below mentioned products in order to complete an honest review.  No other compensation was received.  Any opinions expressed are my own**

This time of year we have to worry about cold and flu germs.  Carrying around a hand sanitizer is an easy solution to help keep away germs on the go.  The only problem is, hand sanitizers with alcohol dry my hands out and I worry about having it around my little ones.  Plus have you ever gotten dry cracked hand in the winter and then tried to use a hand sanitizer on it?  Ouch is all I can say.

CleanSmart has a … solution to this problem.  CleanSmart Hand Sanitizer gives you the convenience of a hand sanitizer without the downfalls of a traditional hand sanitizer.

CleanSmart sanitizer

CleanSmart Hand Sanitizer does not contain alcohol.   It contains 99.9% of germs by using an ingredient your body already uses to fight germs, hypocholorus acid.  It uses natural ingredients that mimic hypocholrous acid.  CleanSmart is available in two different forms: spray and gel.  I personally like the spray.  You only need one or 2 pumps to cover your hands.  I think it lets my kids use the right amount without over doing it.  CleanSmart is clear with no noticable scent.  The 2 oz bottles I received are a nice size to put in a purse or diaper bag.

I’ve been putting this to the test. I work in a hospital and have to wash my hands frequently.  That coupled with the dry indoor air really dries out my hands.  My poor knuckles are already starting to feel it.  My daughter had to get her last round of the rotovirus vaccines.  They warned us to wash our hands after changing her diapers for the next two weeks because it’s a live virus.  So I’ve been washing my hands with that too.  Well my poor dry hands were taking a beating.  I put the spray and kind of braced for the sting on my knuckles, but nothing.  No sting just felt clean.  I was impressed.

You can get CleanSmart Hand Sanitizers on their website:


You can find CleanSmart Home on Twitter: @CleanSmartHome and on Facebook:



1 Luv Saving Money reader will win

a bottle of CleanSmart gel and spray

US only


Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

13 thoughts on “Hand Sanitizer with NO Alcohol and Moistens Your Hands? Yes Please”

  1. I’m a teacher, so in the flu season I tend to use these types of products and this does not contain alcohol, so it will not dry out my skin!

  2. I would like to try this because I can’t always find time to wash my hands running around town.

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