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Got Lugz On The List, Cross It Off With This 30% Off Coupon – Luv Saving Money

Got Lugz On The List, Cross It Off With This 30% Off Coupon

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Holiday Guide 2015

After a beautiful week last week it started turning a lot cooler this week.  It’s starting to feel more like a normal Pennsylvania November now.  As the colder weather nears it reminds me that I need to work on the kids’ Christmas lists. It also reminds me that I better make sure all the kids have proper winter gear that fits (they grow like weeds don’t they?) My 2 older boys like wearing their boots to school so they have to have “the look” but I need them to also actually keep their feet warm and have good tread for the winter.  Also wouldn’t hurt if they were as tough a my boys are.  Then there’s my husband who goes through a pair of work boots about every 6 months.

Lugz logo

My oldest said his boots still fit, my youngest son has about 3 pair to choose from so it came down to my 11 year old to get a new pair of boots. When he heard it was going to be Lugz, all of a sudden my 13 year old starting putting on a dramatic performance of how his boots might not last much longer.  My 11 year old NEEDED the boots though so that’s who got first in que for the winter clothing replenishment.

Lugz Holiday Guide collage

My son received his Lugz in the mail.  He proudly showed them off to everyone in the house.  He put them on right away and walked around the house in them for a while.  He chose the Scavenger Ballistic in the color black. The Lugz Scavenger Ballistic is made for comfort. Insulated, Ballistic nylon upper, padded tongue and collar, cushioned insoles, and rubber outsoles.  They’re nice looking boots.  My oldest son said “Awe man you’re so lucky” when he saw his boots.  My husband (quite particular about his own boots) said he really liked the boots as well.  When I asked my son if they were comfortable he said “oh yea!”.  The boots seemed to give him an air of confidence too.  I mean look at this pose he struck when taking pics

Lugz rock steps

I don’t know if anyone else out there has boys that do this but my 2 oldest boys fight me about wearing long pants.  They’ll wear shorts if it’s 10 degrees outside.  I do put up a fight when it gets below 30 and I normally win. This pic here is probably how you’ll actually see my son wearing his boots if he has his way.

Don’t worry I’m not gonna let you pay full price if I can help it.  I have a coupon code for you for 30% off a pair of Lugz for you or someone on your holiday list.  Code MYTREAT30 for 30% off on (excludes sale items and cannot be combined with other coupons
Expires: 11/22/2015) For current special offers:

Did you see the expiration date?  If you’re thinking about it, you’ll want to jump on it. 30% off is an awesome coupon for Lugz!  I’m also eyeing up the pink Lugz boots for my daughter. Also check out Lugz on these social media channels:



Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker