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Galley Essentials Silicone Baking Cups Review – Luv Saving Money

Galley Essentials Silicone Baking Cups Review

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Like many of you reading this, I’m a busy parent.  I’m also on a budget.  I can’t afford to waste money on things that don’t work and I don’t have time to mess with things that don’t work the way they’re supposed to.  If it’s affordable and can make my life simpler and less expensive in some way…that’s how a company can make this working mom happy.  I’ve been venturing into the world of silicone for baking.  I’ve tried some things that made me wish I would have tried them sooner and others that made me wish I would have never tried them at all.

When I was asked to review the Galley Essentials Silicone Baking Cups I decided why not?  The idea appealed to me.  Resusable cups for making cupcakes and muffins.  No paper to throw away, no worries about running out and forgetting to buy more, and they were bright fun colors.  I wondered though with my experience being 50/50 with silicone how this one would go.  I had a pumpkin spice cupcake mix sitting in my cupboard that had been calling to me to make it for some time. I thought, ok mix you’re up.

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There was a dozen silicone baking cups that came in a compact container.  I loved the bright colors.  Admittedly when I first pulled them out I was skeptical.  They seemed thin and fairly floppy.  Still I supposed one doesn’t expect silicone to be rigid. They are FDA food certified silicone with a lifetime guarantee so I figured there wasn’t much to lose except maybe some batter or the sides of my cupcakes.

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The baking cups were the size of an average paper baking cup.  They recommend placing them on a baking sheet so I did.  I started filling the cups with the cupcake batter and they held up quite well.  The next test was going to be how well the muffins came out of the cups.  After I baked the pumpkin spice muffins I allowed them to sit and cool for a bit. Would you know that every single one of the dozen muffins I made popped right out of those cups? They did!  It didn’t matter if it was the ones that were eaten right away or the ones that didn’t go until 2 days later, they all just popped right out of there.

silicone muffin cup

The orange you see on the cup is the icing.  I’ve never been able to make icing right.  This time my icing turned out like sauce rather than creamy so it was dripping everywhere. Still tasted ok but yea, don’t ask me to make your icing.  I was quite happy with how these little cups worked.  They were super easy to wash too.  I don’t have a dishwasher, I hand wash all my dishes.  Just a few wipes and it was clean.  Love it!

You can find the Galley Essentials Silicone Baking cups on Amazon:

But this IS Luv Saving Money so the folks at Galley Essentials were also kind enough to throw in a coupon code for you to save $3 off your order on Amazon. Coupon Code:  TOM25OFF
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.