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Free Fallin Giveaway Hop: Dainya Willamson Tupperware – Luv Saving Money

Free Fallin Giveaway Hop: Dainya Willamson Tupperware

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Prize is sponsored by Tupperware Consultant. Any opinions expressed are my own. Pictures used with permission.

How many of you still have Tupperware from years ago? Maybe it used to belong to another family member,  maybe you received some as a wedding gift, maybe you bought some at a friend’s party.  I know I still have Tupperware gifted to me from 17 or 18 years ago.  That’s one thing I really like about Tupperware. When you buy it you know you’ll have it for a long time.

I’ll be honest I hadn’t seen a Tupperware catalog in a long time until my sister did a Tupperware party with Dainya Williamson Tupperware Consultant .  It really opened my eyes to everything Tupperware offers now.  Then my cousin had a party and I bought a few more items, great Halloween specials at that party.  Dainya, who is now my Tupperware Consultant, showed me the October catalog and I’m IN LOVE! Pink!  I love pink! Like this super cute blushing pink lunch set for only $15!  This would be so cute for my daughter to take to school.

Or these awesome Thatsa bowl BOGO sets. Keep them all for yourself or split it with a friend!  Either way it’s a great deal!


I’m gonna let you in on a money saving secret though.  Dainya offers amazing deals on her cash and carry items too.  I mean, I love to save money, it’s right in my blog name.  I also love to have nice quality products.  If I can save money on something that’s going to last me a long time, I’m gonna do it.  Dainya is amazing and really has the best customer service of any Tupperware consultant I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.  In order to get these special Dainya deals you need to request to join her facebook group which is Dainya’s Tupperware

Here’s a few words from my wonderful Tupperware consultant Dainya Williamson now:


My Name is Dainya Williamson and I began my journey selling Tupperware in April. I am a Home Health Aide Part Time. Not by choice 🙂

I love my clients and what I do so I decided to do something else to help support my family. I’m sure I could go to another company but I found my self attached to my clients. :). So Tupperware allows me to work with the people I care for and help support my family. I am a mother of 5 children and one due any moment.  Another reason I started to sell Tupperware  I do not have maternity leave so I will be off without pay . I will have three Boys and Three girls. The complete Brady Bunch but we call our selves the Williamson Bunch. I am in heaven and married to my best friend for the past 12 years.

I grew up with Tupperware in my home. I have loved and used it for many years. I love that I can buy a product and have it replaced if it chips,brakes,cracks or warps.  That in it self’s saves me money. Tupperware has amazing sales and you can always find something for a great price. Tupperware is Lifetime Guaranteed and is BPA Free as of 2010.

Since I joined Tupperware I have been able to pay extra bills, family trips, and  help pay for school clothes. I have also completed the highest level in our confident start program and earned my self my Tupperware Pots and Pans Set valued at $1200.00. With that there were so many different gifts I received for each level completed. I have also completed bonus every month and  my paycheck has been higher then just my normal commission. This helps out tremendously. Tupperware is always giving things away for free or just a very small co-payment every week. In just these few short months I have collected a lot of Tupperware . I like to spoil my customers and hostess when I can with my rewards. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am with my business. I have also  joined a family. The group I belong to is amazing. I love my meetings and my time with them. They are my Tupperware family.



This is so true. I can attest to the spoiling customers part.  I ordered the Tupperware potato bin from her a little over a month ago. She personally brought it to me.  When I opened it up she had hid a little Tupperware funnel in there for me as a bonus.  Now how did she know I needed a funnel?  I mean I did, I really did!

Check out all Tupperware has to offer on Dainya’s site:

or request to join Dainya’s Tupperware facebook group




1 Luv Saving Money reader will win

a mystery Tupperware package from Dainya

with a minimum value of $25

Free Fallin Giveaway Hop: Dainya Williamson Tupperware

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

92 thoughts on “Free Fallin Giveaway Hop: Dainya Willamson Tupperware”

  1. I would like to own the SNACK-STOR® LARGE CONTAINER! Thank you for the chance to win!

    1. So many different ideas to do with the Chip N Dip set. I like to use the lid for crackers and cheese and pepperoni. Then use the bowl for a punch!

      Join my Facebook page to place an order! Just for placing an order you will get 10% off . Please personal message. This way I can offer your discount. Please mention the word “October ”
      If ordering!

  2. I did love the Silicone Ring Pan. It would be so much fun to make “healthy” donuts for my family!

    1. They are super fun to use. Great for donuts, and my favorite mini Meatloaf’s

      Join my Facebook page to place an order! Just for placing an order you will get 10% off . Please personal message. This way I can offer your discount. Please mention the word “October ”
      If ordering!

    1. I actually just ordered this from Dainya because I had my eye on it for a while. I highly recommend following her favebook group she really tries to take care of her customers. She let me know when there were deals available. I can’t wait to get my power chef system!

  3. With the upcoming holidays, I’d love the SNOWFALL SWEETIES CANISTER 3-PC. SET!

  4. I would love to have the THATSA® BOWL 8-PC. SET. I love Tupperware, it lasts forever.

  5. I really like the Thatsa® Bowl 8-Pc. Set or any of the sets because we always need to store some food around the house. They’re useful to have!

  6. I would love the ONE TOUCH® REMINDER CANISTER SET/BLACK I had a set years ago and loved it.

  7. I love the THATSA® MEGA BOWL! We are in the process of selling our home but after that I may need to order some things!

  8. I think the new SILICONE RECTANGULAR FORM from Tupperware looks very useful. I would love this product in my kitchen.

  9. The lunch it containers look amazing. They would be great to take my lunch and snacks to work.

  10. There are many items that I’d love to own, but the FREEZE-IT® PLUS COMPLETE SET really caught my eye.

  11. I really like the Hot Food on the Go Plus Set. That would be really convenient. The Tupperware we have has always lasted FOREVER, lol. Very good quality brand.

  12. we are always needing bowls so we could use THATSA® BOWL 8-PC. SET – BUY ONE SET, GET ONE FREE in my home

  13. I would love to own the Kitchen Tools Complete Set. Gosh, I have not had a Tupperware dealer in 10 years!

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