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Cyber Monday Bundle from Younique – Luv Saving Money

Cyber Monday Bundle from Younique

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You might have heard about the Younique 3D fiber lash mascara that hit the beauty world by storm this year.  At one point it was selling at a rate of something like 1000 a day.  Crazy right?  Well I just had to buy me some to see what the hoopla was all about.  Yea it’s kinda expensive at $29 but yea, this mascara really is the bomb.  So what is my point?  My point is that one of my fave Younique presenters, Trisha has an awesome Cyber Monday/Black Friday bundle packages that saves you $50.  In the package you get:

younique cyber monday

–1 illuminate facial cleanser (clean or clear you choose)

–1 Moodstruck mineral pigment powder (choose one of 32 colors)

–1 Moodstruck 3D fiber lash mascara (yep the one I was talking about)

–1 three piece eye brush set

If you were to buy all of these after the sale is over you’d pay $125 but the special bundle is only $75.    This deal started November 27 and goes until Cyber Monday December 1.  If you have someone on your list that’s been wanting to try the Younique 3D fiber lash mascara or maybe you want to try it yourself this would be an awesome package to get.  Hey if you buy from Trisha, let her know Angie from sent ya.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

One thought on “Cyber Monday Bundle from Younique”

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