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Bloodline Series Book Tour & Giveaway – Luv Saving Money

Bloodline Series Book Tour & Giveaway

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Bloodline Origins Bloodline Book 1 by Iuliana Foos Genre: Sweet Paranormal Romance Adventure

Determined to turn her fantasy into reality, Ana starts her journey to become a vampire. Along the way, she learns the truth about their secret society, discovers her prestigious bloodline, and falls in love. Not all vampires are accepting of humans and war looms in the shadows. An ancient tome reveals the vampires’ alien descent and sparks war. An army bent on eradicating her coven’s existence threatens her new world. Survival or annihilation will be in Ana’s hands. Goodreads * Amazon

Bloodline Destinies Bloodline Book 2

In the year 2516 humans share Earth with elusive vampires and GeMs—a new species of blood-drinkers who appeared after the Flood. Months before his five-hundredth birthday, Theodor De Croix, Prince of The Old Coven, crosses paths with Vivienne. Torn between proving himself worthy of his bloodline and centuries-old beliefs about true love, he saves her life but rejects the idea that she might be sent to him by fate itself. Vivienne is a human scientist turned GeM in an accident. Body and mind forever altered, she struggles every day to adapt to her new life. Attracted to the man who saved her, but fearing his kind, she finds herself in more danger than ever. Caught up in a whirlwind of dreams and evil plots, both must confront their own demons in order to save each other, testing the powers of fate and love. Goodreads * Amazon

Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania, Iuliana Foos currently lives with her husband in San Antonio, Texas. When she doesn’t daydream or write, she enjoys drinking copious amounts of coffee and playing online multi-player games, hoping one day to have a white sanded beach as her backyard. Becoming a traditionally published author has been a life-long dream turned reality. Website * Facebook * Twitter * Amazon * Goodreads

“Some had pale skin with dark tattoos. Others had darker skin with luminescent body
markings. White eyes beamed toward us, empty, emotionless. Most of them had
slightly pointed ears. They were taller and bigger than most people I knew. Some
glided, others walked, and all wore long black robes.”
That’s kind of cool. Ana tried to visualize those chained, and the tall silhouettes
gliding inside the cave. It made her shiver.
“They inspected everyone in the room and separated us into groups. We were the
lucky ones, they said, chosen to rule the Earth.” Jonas ran his hand over the lower
half of his face. “They spoke our language with ease.” He leaned against the backrest
of his chair again, as if he wasn’t used to sitting, or he was uncomfortable. “It seemed
the ones with darker skin and luminescent tattoos were higher ranked. One of them
signaled, and more came in.” He glanced at Ana. “On some floating carts, motionless
human bodies were piled up, and we each got one dropped at our feet—”
“Where they dead?” Ana interrupted.
Jonas shook his head. “No. They showed us how to feed. That was the first time I
drank human blood.”
He stopped again. Ghosts seemed to be haunting his eyes, as if trying to escape.
Ana gathered her legs, curling them under her frame. She had dismissed the earlier
lesson from Mara in regard to the posture.
“Who were they?” Ana slightly leaned forward, devouring every word.
Jonas stared at her like her words woke him from a trance.
“They told us they were from Vamphora. Called themselves Vamphorians and named
us vampires.”
“Wait. Are you saying they were aliens?” Ana couldn’t believe her own words.
“Yes.” Jonas nodded in agreement. “They were searching for a new home. Theirs
was on the brink of extinction.”

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

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