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Besties Box Coming Soon But I’ll Give You Preview Now – Luv Saving Money

Besties Box Coming Soon But I’ll Give You Preview Now

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Besties Box is a new and different twist on the subscription box.  While it’s still your monthly subscription box the products inside is what make it different.  You might be thinking “yea ok I’ve heard that before” but seriously.  I’m about to explain.

You know all those direct sale companies or etsy shops you see in your facebook feed, twitter, etc: AVON, Jamberry, Plexxus, Pink Papaya, etc.  Maybe you’ve been tempted to buy but you’re not really sure if you’d like their products or not.  Well this is your chance to try them.  Founder Andrea Nugent being both a customer and direct sales rep for a few companies herself, envisioned a way for customers like herself to try products before she buys and to help get the word out for her direct sales businesses.

besties box hero image

I received a Premium Besties Box to review.  The official launch isn’t until April so this is seriously one of the first looks inside a deluxe Besties Box.  My little purple box came in the mail.  It was seriously jam-packed with samples.

As you can see I had lots of sample.  Full size products, deluxe samples, and samples meant for one or two tries. I received samples from:

  • Pink Papaya
  • Perfectly Posh
  • Jamberry
  • Purely
  • Tyra
  • Paparazzi


Besties box contents watermark

Head over to and subscribe to their newsletter so you know when they officially launch. They also have plans for themed boxes in the future.

You can also find Besties Box on facebook.

Also if you are a direct sales person or an Etsy shop owner that would like to participate with your products, please you the Contact link on the Besties Box site.


1 US Luv Saving Money reader will win

a premium Besties Box similar to what I received once it’s launched.


Besties Box

I received the above mentioned product in order to complete a review. Any opinions expressed are my own. Prize is sponsored by Besties Box.

Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker

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