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Bare Devotion Book Tour & Giveaway – Luv Saving Money

Bare Devotion Book Tour & Giveaway

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The Bayou Bachelors #2


Geri Krotow


Genre: Contemporary Romance


Date: 9/11/2018


and sultry, hot and wild…that’s desire, Louisiana-style. And
there’s no one better to explore it with than one of the Bayou
Returning to her
flooded New Orleans home to face Henry Boudreaux, the man she jilted
at the altar, is the hardest thing attorney Sonja Bosco has ever
done—even before she discovers she’s pregnant. Sonja backed out
of the marriage for Henry’s sake. He wants to be part of his
father’s law firm, and his parents will never approve of an
interracial marriage. Better to bruise his heart than ruin his life.

Henry can’t forgive
Sonja, and doubts that he can trust her again. But learning that
they’re going to be parents means there’s no avoiding each other.
Springtime on the bayou is already steamy enough…now they’re
living in the same small space while their damaged house is repaired.
And with each passing day they’re getting a little more honest. A
lot more real. And realizing that nothing—not even New Orleans at
Mardi Gras—glows brighter than the desire they’re trying to deny…
Bayou Bachelors #1
nowhere hotter than the South, especially with three men who know how
to make the good times roll. But one of the Bayou Bachelors is about
to meet his match…
York City stylist Poppy Kaminsky knows that image is everything,
which is why she’s so devastated when hers is trashed on social
media—after a very public meltdown over her cheating fiancé. Her
best friend’s New Orleans society wedding gives her the chance hide
out and lick her wounds…
Boudreaux is in no mood to party. His multi-million dollar sailboat
business is in danger of sinking thanks to his partner’s sudden
disappearance—with the company’s funds. And when he rolls up to
his estranged brother’s pre-wedding bash in an airboat, a
cold-as-ice friend of the bride looks at him like he’s so much
swamp trash.
last person Poppy should get involved with is the bad boy of the
Boudreaux family. But they have more in common than she could ever
imagine—and the steamy, sultry New Orleans nights are about to show
her how fun letting loose can be…
Orleans serves as a strong supporting character in Fully
Krotow gives an inside view on the sights, sounds, and tastes of the
bayou.” —RT
Book Reviews
is the award winning author of more than thirteen
contemporary and romantic suspense novels (with a couple of WWII
subplots thrown in!). While still unpublished Geri received the
Daphne du Maurier Award for Romantic Suspense in Category Romance
Fiction. Her 2007 Harlequin Everlasting debut A Rendezvous to
Remember earned several awards, including the Yellow Rose of Texas
Award for Excellence.
Prior to writing, Geri
served for nine years as a Naval Intelligence Officer. Geri served as
the Aviation/Anti-Submarine Warfare Intelligence officer for a P-3C
squadron during which time she deployed to South America, Europe, and
Greenland. She was the first female Intel officer on the East Coast
to earn Naval Aviation Observer Wings. Geri also did a tour in the
war on drugs, working with several different government and law
enforcement agencies. Geri is grateful to be settled in south central
Pennsylvania with her husband.

Excerpt from Bare Devotion

Sonja bit into the almond croissant with the hunger that had plagued her everyday of the past
few weeks. Like clockwork, her appetite returned late morning after the morning nausea passed.
She knew the exact night she’d conceived the baby. Her body had felt ‘different’ after the
lovemaking session with Henry that had lasted the better part of a late winter night after they’d
won a particularly challenging case. At first she hadn’t been able to pinpoint it and blamed her
exhaustion on prenuptial jitters. The week before the wedding her breasts swelled, her nipples
became sensitive to the shower spray, and she’d felt as though her period was about to start at
any moment. But of course it hadn’t. She’d known two days before the wedding for sure. Thank
God she’d only shared it with Poppy. If Henry had known she didn’t think she’d have been able
to walk away from marrying him as she had.
The memory of leaving her soulmate at the altar made the pastry feel heavy in her stomach and
she paused, closing her eyes and breathing in and out slowly to ward off a wave of nausea.
Anytime she remembered their wedding day she felt sick all over again.
“Is it that good?” Her eyes flew open at the sexy baritone that only a few weeks ago had coaxed
an orgasm out of her as he spoke dirty words into her ear while he moved over her, inside her,
again and again.
“It’s delicious.” She put the croissant down on a napkin, next to her stack of files. Henry’s gaze
dared her to look away and she never backed down from anyone, so she stared back. A quick
flash of disgust shadowed his face before Henry looked away and sat in the seat opposite her,
reaching over for his files. Usually they sat together, ready to work until whenever it took to get
the day’s items checked off. It wasn’t going to get easy, ever, to know he thought so little of her.
Knowing she deserved it for something he didn’t even know about yet—the baby—made it
“I imagine you need time to go over these.” A deft verbal pitch to see how she’d react. Would
she go high, admit she should have been back in the office last week, or go low and blame him
for her staying away, or ignore it? “Alesia sent me the files last week. I’ve read through them
He had to be playing her—Alesia told Henry everything. He’d know she’d had copies to analyze.
Their roundtrip tickets to Bali had gone unused, so it wasn’t as if she’d been out of the country
and unable to do any work.
“Any concerns?” He kept his face low, focused on the paperwork, but she saw the blood vessel
just above his collar, pulsing in rhythm to his heartbeat. Whenever Henry was agitated that was
his tell. She used to like to lick it right before he came. Heat erupted between her legs and made
her squirm. Apparently her guilt over not telling him about the baby wasn’t the only reaction she
couldn’t shake. She clasped her legs together under the heavy mahogany table, grateful Henry
didn’t have x-ray vision.
“No, nothing to speak of.” Her voice was low and throaty and she wished she’d tendered her
resignation. It would be so much easier, especially now when every damned hormone in her
body was setting off emotions she didn’t even know she was capable of. But a deft noncompete
clause she’d signed when his father had hired her prevented her from going out on her own just
Brilliant blue eyes watched her with usual alertness. “You sure about that, Sonja? You’re acting
like something’s not sitting right with you.”
“It’s just this.” She motioned very slighting between them, using her finger. “Awkward with a
capital ‘A,’ am I right? We didn’t talk about it as much as we probably should have this morning.”
Of course dearest Deidre’s appearance had shut down any chance of the conversation they
needed to have in private. The curiosity in his eyes turned to frosted crystal.

“Let’s get it out on the table, then.” He splayed both hands on the dark polished surface, and
she wondered if he’d forgotten about the time they’d both arrived to work early, too early. They’d
ended up here, naked, in under five minutes. Did he see her naked body as she’d knelt on all
fours, waiting for him to take her?
“There is nothing here. Whatever we shared was wiped out when you decided to ignore my
attempt to explain my actions to you.”
“Wait a min—”
“No, hold up.” He shot down her attempt to interrupt him with a flick of his hand. “You made
your choice. And you’ve decided to continue on at this firm. We both need to raise the funds to
get the house rehabbed well enough to sell. Fine, I get it. But don’t think for one minute that
there is anything other than our working relationship at stake. We’ve always enjoyed that,
correct? And I’m willing to work with you, until the day you decide to leave the firm. Because,
let’s face it, I’m not going anywhere. This is my family firm. You, you’ll go out on your own or
take a better offer elsewhere. That’s okay. Until then I expect the best you have to offer, and for
you to kindly refrain from referring to what we shared. It’s over.”
Sonja stared at the man who’d hung the moon for her and only saw the stamp of Boudreaux on
his expression. The same look his father had when she’d told him to take the money and
referral he’d offered her to quit when she and Henry announced their engagement and shove
them up his tight white racist ass. He’d never fire her, not as a black woman in his otherwise
very white, very male firm. And regardless of his racist views, Sonja brought in a lot of business
for their firm that they’d otherwise never catch. She’d expected Henry’s father to give her a hard
time, but not so much Henry. She’d been a fool.
“Our professional relationship never had anything to do with our personal life. Why should it
Henry didn’t respond but instead glared at her. He may as well have thrown a machete at her
for how his silent gesture pained her.
The door clicked open and Alesia entered with trays of lunch food, followed by two clients and
Rick, the firm’s other NOLA attorney. As she and Henry stood to greet them she eyed her
almost-husband. Her ex-fiancé. The man who’d broken her heart.
Henry was tall and professional looking, whether dressed in a classic suit as he was now or in
cargo shorts and a t-shirt like yesterday. He’d been born to inherit his father’s firm, a lawyer’s
mind part of his gene pool. And until their wedding weekend, she hadn’t seen that he’d also
inherited the insatiable need to make everything appear perfect. Hence the pristine wedding
they’d almost gone through with.
Henry wasn’t a people pleaser though, especially not to his parents. He’d bucked their
sensibilities and desires by choosing to marry her, a black woman from a bayou family. Henry
had never seen her as anything other than the woman he’d decided to marry. She believed that.
What Henry had refused to see, however, was that his father was never going to leave the firm
to Henry as long as Sonja was his wife. The firm was going to be dissolved and all of his father’s
money given to charity, eschewing being generous to either of his sons. Henry’s younger sister,
a social worker, was in the naval reserves and somewhere overseas, so she wasn’t even on the
family radar. She hadn’t gone to law school; neither had Henry’s younger brother Brandon. It
wasn’t about the money, which was significant, but about family legacy. Henry was the man to
change it, to turn the law firm into a contemporary, relevant part of the community, serving
diverse clients and causes. He saw that corporate law didn’t have to mean serving the same
good ol’ boys his father had.
But Henry would never have the chance to improve upon his family legacy if she were around.
The younger siblings had gotten the hell away from the family dynasty. But not Henry. Henry

needed to be part of his father’s legacy in a way the other two didn’t. Because Sonja saw this,
saw the need in the man she loved so desperately, she’d had no choice but to back out of their
marriage. She’d do anything for Henry’s happiness, and Henry would never be happy without
knowing he’d made a difference in what his father had began. He’d never forgive her for leaving
him the way she did and that was all right. Sonja didn’t want Henry’s forgiveness. She’d wanted
his love, understanding and trust, but her expectations had been too much.
Henry didn’t have it to give.
And as she watched him, the one man she’d ever pinned all her hopes on, she had to face the
cold hard truth. She was as unworthy of trust as Henry.

the tour HERE

for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

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