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Along With Your Pregnancy Glow Show Your Glowing Personality with – Luv Saving Money

Along With Your Pregnancy Glow Show Your Glowing Personality with

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**I received a shirt from in exchange for an honest review.  No other compensation has been received**

Ok so this review came a little to late for me to do a real maternity shirty review for myself BUT they do have some fun maternity shirts on  I always loved finding cute and unique maternity shirts. Let’s face it, if you walk into most stores you’re lucky if they even have a maternity section.  If they do it’s usually just a couple racks unless you have a maternity store near you. has some cute and funny maternity tshirts.  One of my favorites on the site was the “Does this baby make me look fat?” shirt.  I found thought, that they also had a few cute kids’ shirts on the site too.  You know for the big brother or big sister.

I thought this shirt was really cute.  It says “Chicks dig my ride”  and a nice light blue color.  The shirt ran a little on the small side.  I got him a 5T but it fit him like most of his 4Ts do.  It first him for now I just like to buy a little bigger when I can.  Anyway my son loves his shirt.

Are you or someone you know expecting?  What shirt from do you like?

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Author: Angie

Mom, blogger, social media influencer, healthcare worker