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Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask Like A Spa Treatment At Home – Luv Saving Money

Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask Like A Spa Treatment At Home

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Pre-kids, I used to spend a long time on my beauty routine.  I would rarely leave my house without full make up on, I’d take one day a week to do facials on myself, I’d take long bubble baths taking my time and using scrubs and things to make my skin look and feel great.  Those days don’t really exist anymore.  With 4 kids I’m lucky if I can sneak away to the bathroom.  A shower is usually my only moment of solitude.  Not always though, my 20 month old daughter will sometimes stand outside the door and cry so I bring her in the bathroom with me while I shower.  Sometimes she even wants to climb in with me.  As much as I miss the days of me time I know I’ll look back and miss these days.

Until then, I try to grab some treatments after the kids go to bed or during nap time.  I’m long overdue for a facial.  I’ve often heard about the benefits of dead sea mud but never really tried any products that contained it.  Until now..

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Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask and Dead Sea Mud soap are the products I got to try.  I’ve got to ask the question, how the heck is mud supposed to help my skin?   Adovia mud mask has the highest concentration of dead sea mud available.  There are over 21 minerals in the Adovia Dead Sea mud mask.  It also contains Aloe Vera, Vitamin C, jojoba oil, and ginseng.    I love the fact that it comes in a tube.  I have this weird thing about dipping my fingers in jars or pots and getting the product under my nails and stuff. Is it just me?

Anywho, I squeezed some of the mask out and started applying it to my face.  It honestly looks like gray mud.  It even kinda smelled like mud. As it started drying I could feel it tightening on my face.

adovia dead sea mask


Glamorous right?  Anywho, I have a time with black heads on my nose and pimples on my chin. Well, my “T zone” really is my trouble area.  The black heads on my nose annoy me the most.  I will sometimes use those pore strips but they’re so expensive for what they are.  For as tight as this mask got I was really hoping it would help with those annoying blackheads on my nose.  I has had a angry pimple on my chin at the time I put this mask on.

I removed the mask and I noticed almost right away that it really did remove many of the black heads on my nose.  The next day I noticed that that angry pimple on my chin had shrunk.  The redness and reduced noticeably.  I was super excited.  This bottle of Adovia Dead Sea mud mask has 30 applications.  That is way more bang for my buck than pore strips and other treatments I’ve tried.

They also sent me an Adovia Dead Sea Mud soap bar.  They actually told me I didn’t have to review it but I’m gonna.  Again, I had never tried dead sea mud product before this.  Wasn’t really sure how I’d feel about a mud soap bar.  Sounds like an oxymoron.  I did try it.  It didn’t really have any scent at all.  When I rubbed it on my wash cloth my wash cloth got the grayish color.  After washing my body with it though my skin felt surprisingly soft.

They also offer a 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.  It’s 100% cruelty free too!


You can find Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask at  Also, stop by Cleopatra’s Choice Facebook page and say hi!  By the way, for a limited time, when you buy the Adovia Dead Sea mud mask on Cleopatra’s Choice you get the Adovia Dead Sea Mud soap FREE!!  The mask is $27.22 right now you can save $10 by using code: luvsavingmoney  
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

One thought on “Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask Like A Spa Treatment At Home”

  1. I’ve actually tried this and loved it as well, which reminds me I think I’ll sneak in a little me time soon. 🙂

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