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Add to the Magic of Christmas with – Luv Saving Money

Add to the Magic of Christmas with

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** My son received a Deluxe letter from in exchange for this post.  I also have a chance to earn from sharing about  Any opinions expressed are my own**


Holiday guide 2013 button

Christmas is such and exciting and magical time for kids.  They don’t think about how much Christmas is going to cost because Santa brings their toys.  They don’t think about the time and supplies that go into baking Christmas cookies.  They just enjoy the delicious cookies mom, dad, or grandma makes.  They stay up Christmas Eve night, too excited to sleep wondering what will be under the tree and maybe try to peek out the window and see Rudolph’s nose.  They put out their magic reindeer feed just knowing that Santa’s reindeer will eat it.  I love to foster their imagination and keep the magic of Christmas with them for as long as I can.  One exciting way to do that is to have Santa send them an actual personalized letter. let’s Santa send your child a personalized letter.  It will be sent to your child with their name on it in a big bright shiny envelope with a special address label.  Santa’s signature is on the letters and when they open the envelope there’s Santa dust in each one.  Santa makes sure each sibling receives a unique letter just for them.  Letter start at $9.95 to $19.95 for a Deluxe letter from Santa.

santa will write envelope


My youngest son got the above envelope in the mail addressed to him.  (I of coursed erased my address but trust me it is addressed to your child).  This is the Deluxe package.  My youngest son is 4.  I helped him open the envelope. When he pulled out the contents the Santa dust came twinkling out.  This was the contents of the package.

santa will write contest wm santa will write letter wm


My son also got a Nice List Certificate in his package.  He was happy to hear that he was on the nice list.  He was proud to pose with a picture of his certificate.  The certificate does have the full name on it but for my son’s privacy I blacked it out.

Tyler Nice list 2013 wm

The Deluxe package had the personalized letter from Santa, a letter from Rudolph, the personalized nice list certificate, Christmas sticker sheet, holiday glitter tattoos, North Pole postmark, and of course the Santa dust. The letters come crease free so they can be framed if you like.   This was a really nice package.  The stationary was high quality.  I love all the littler personalizations.  I thought it was fun that Rudolph signed his letter with a hoof print.  His letter was able to be personalized with his name, some of his tops wish list items, our home town, and what Santa was proud of him for.  That would be being a good new big brother to his baby sister.

I could just see the excitement in my sons eyes.  He was so proud of that certificate.  He showed everyone that stopped by the house that day and then next.

If you want your child to get a letter fro Santa do so before December 17 to ensure your child(ren) get them on time. also has a promo code for Luv Saving Money readers for you to save 25% on your personalized letter.  Use code: LuvSavingMoney25 this code expires December 17 as well to ensure Santa has time to get the letters out before Christmas.


Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.