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A New Way To Share Videos With Vidku – Luv Saving Money

A New Way To Share Videos With Vidku

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Vidku is a new video sharing app. There are a lot of benefits to this app. The more I use it the more ways I can find for it to be useful.  With Vidku you can share 17 second videos.  You have the option to use filters like you do on instagram.  Any video you post can be deleted at any time. So you know, if you post that video from a party that….um…you might not remember or at least don’t want to remember, you could always delete it.

Which brings me to another good aspect of Vidku. You choose who you want to share your videos with.  You can create groups, share them with a specific friend, or share them with everyone. It’s your choice.  So let’s say you have videos of the kids you don’t want to post to social media but you still want your family to see.  You could create a family group and share it with just your family.  That video from the party I was talking about, you could share it with just your friends to make sure your boss or parents don’t see it.

vidku group pic

When I started thinking about the group aspect my mind started coming up with all kinds of ways that could be beneficial:

1.  I have a number of friends who are Beach Body coaches.  You could create a group for your team to make a quick encouragement video, share positive thoughts, show progress, or just show them that you’re working out.

2.  Direct Sales people like Younique reps, AVON, Tastefully Simple, etc you could have a group for your customers and show them the latest products or tell them about a special sale.

3.  Create a wedding group.  People attending the wedding or the wedding party can all be added to the group. Get tons of videos from different angles.  You might catch the funny or sweet moments the videographer might miss AND from different angles!

4. Create a household group. Send “I love you messages” video reminders of  errands, have the kids check in so you can actually see where they are and who they’re with, or send a message when you’re out of town on business.

5.  Have a brainstorming group for work or projects. Members of the group can toss out ideas or even show ideas (if it will fit into 17 seconds)

6.  Having a New Year’s Eve party? Have everyone take videos at the party and share it to a “New Year’s Party” group

That’s just a few ideas I came up with.  I’m quite sure you’ll think of more.

vidku share with pic

You can get the Vidku app free from both Apple store and Google Play  or  visit


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This post is sponsored by Vidku. Any opinions expressed are my own. Prizes are sponsored by Vidku.

Author: Angie

I'm a wife and a a mom of 4: 3 boys and a girl. I also have 3 fur babies, cats named Soleil, Luna, and a Savannah cat name Malkia. I work part-time outside my home as a COTA/L at a local hospital. I cover Johnstown, Altoona, and Pittsburgh areas. I love to do reviews and host giveaways for my readers. Contact me: angwith4 at gmail dot com if you would like a review.

16 thoughts on “A New Way To Share Videos With Vidku”

  1. This would be helpful for planning with my teacher friends this summer when we are on break.

  2. We moved out of state, away from family, and this seems like a good way to create a special video group for keeping in touch!

  3. I love the idea of sharing in groups. This would be great for sharing videos with family.

  4. I like the idea of using Vidku to train and provide orientation materials to new employees from home

  5. My guy’s sister has a couple of new grandbabies — this would be great for the great-grands!

  6. I love to coupon and have a local group of ladies that do it with me. I could send them a video with a quick deal that I see in store or just one I’m planning on doing so they can take advantage too! 🙂

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